Enrolment options

Aalto Pre-Orientation materials aims to help you get settled in our university and ease the start of studies. These materials focus on information and services relevant to all new students in our university, and you can return to the materials later on. You will receive more precise information and guidance related to your own study programme during the orientation week.

Please follow these steps:
1) Click Self enrolment button on the right side of this page. If you are not logged in, MyCourses will ask you to log in. Once you are logged in, you will see the enrollment page and you can enrol in the Pre-Orientation by yourself without a password.

2) After you have enrolled in the Pre-Orientation, click Course home button to go to the Pre-Orientation’s front page Start here!. Please go through the short introduction and make the two following choices: choose your study programme and language of the materials. Please note that without making these choices you will not be able to see the materials.

You will be removed from Pre-Orientation if you do not visit the space for 30 days. Your name, email address and course enrollment/accomplishment will be recorded in connection of this course as described in MyCourses Protection of privacy.
Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)