CHEM-E0105 - Academic Learning Community, Lecture, 1.9.2022-28.4.2023
This course space end date is set to 28.04.2023 Search Courses: CHEM-E0105
Guidance for a Session Reflection Essay, If you missed the session 1
One excellent work-life skill is the ability and habit to reflect various learning opportunitities from a personal perspective, and this way to develop a individual insight on matters that may be useful for the future.
Completion of the Entrepreneurial Mindset module requires attendance on both lectures, so in the case you could not attend the session 1, please write a ca 1 page essay on the classroom discussion with Managing Director Milja Hannu-Kuure. Please return you document in a PDF format and address as least the following perspectives from the dialogue.
1. Milja discussed her path and insights as material sciences entrepreneur. Were there any surprises in her career story, or something that you found inspirational or generally useful for you when thinking about your own personal career planning?
2. After hearing the dialogue, what type of leadership learnings would you recommend for future entrepreneurs? What might be important in student times and generally in gaining experience for establishing a company?
3. How would you desribe the entrepreneurial mindset that Milja portrayed?
You will find the recording and slides used on the Session 1 in the "Materials" section of MyCourses. The deadline for returning the essay is Monday Janury 30th.