MLI31A002 - Principles of Economics, Lecture, 29.1.2024-16.2.2024
This course space end date is set to 16.02.2024 Search Courses: MLI31A002
Macro current events presentation
Current events presentation
Purpose: To reinforce and enrich a topic from economic theory with real-life examples.
Your group of three or four will choose from a short list of news articles. You’ll also get a cluster of relevant economic concepts. See the attached file in this assignment.
Read the article and find a related article from an established news source. (That means a newspaper, magazine, TV network or think tank. Don’t get stories from random websites, social media, blogs, etc.) “Related” could mean the same situation in a different time period or location, or a similar event within a different industry, etc. Really, it means anything you can talk about that fits into your econ concepts. If you are stuck for ideas, I can help.
For your presentation, explain the news situations clearly and connect the events correctly and clearly to the economics topics. Please show 3-5 slides (number is flexible) and make sure all the students in your group have a chance to speak. Cite all sources in your slides. Try to draw a diagram. (You can discuss it with me if you feel stuck.) You don’t have to become an expert in the news topic; everyone understands you have to pull the presentation together quickly. 10 minutes maximum.
Check early to see if you can access the article (so I can help if you can’t). Please submit your slides only by late on Wednesday, Feb 14.
The group will receive a single grade. 5% weight.
- 8 February 2024, 4:34 PM