ARTX-C1015 - Design Research, Lecture, 15.9.2021-15.12.2021
This course space end date is set to 15.12.2021 Search Courses: ARTX-C1015
Midterm Review
For 27 October, please prepare an oral presentation that includes both visual representation(s) and textual description(s) of the expected outcome of your current research idea. It should include both visual and textual elements in your preferred style (e.g. sketch, simulation, blueprint, rendering, poster, slides, etc.).
This has mainly two objectives:
(1) for you to somehow speculates and demonstrates the expected outcome(s) of your research work and;
(2) for others to understand what you envision having as a result of your research.
Altogether, if you succeed addressing these two, you will allow others to give constructive feedback; so you can make a meaningful revision / iteration / improvement.
Each student will have a chance to present max 20 minutes (including both presentation and feedback).
You will hear feedback from teachers (Lily and Namkyu), tutors (Pinar, Constantinos and Neha) and your peers.
Use this occasion wisely to test your research idea and to prepare for the final review (15 December).
Lily and I chose this format based on the 6 submissions of the initial research idea proposal that were made on time (10 Oct.). They also received a brief comment with some suggestions from one of the teachers.
You are asked to submit your presentation file(s) soon after the midterm review via MyCourses by the end of 28 October. Whatever you have for the midterm, package them well to submit here.