37E44000 - Critical Issues in Information Systems Research D, Lecture, 4.5.2023-24.5.2023
This course space end date is set to 24.05.2023 Search Courses: 37E44000
Final project submission
As I have mentioned in the class a few times, I would like for you to present your project’s final report on June 4. If you are able to present it in person, that is perfect. If you are unable to present in person, please record a short video of your presentation and upload it to the Final Project folder by 1100 on May 24. Also upload your PowerPoints slide deck. We will play your presentations in class. For those presenting in class, please also upload your slides. If your slides are detailed enough, or you can add notes to your slides, you do not need to develop another report. If you like the slides to be less cluttered, you can submit a word document which may be mostly a transcript of your planned talk. I will provide some more specific information about the presentation after reviewing your project idea submissions.
Please upload all files in a zip folder.