CS-E4920 - Portfolio in Software and Service Engineering (V), Lecture, 29.8.2023-8.5.2024
This course space end date is set to 08.05.2024 Search Courses: CS-E4920
Task 4: Visit the SSE Coffee Room
Completion requirements
Opened: Saturday, 26 August 2023, 10:00 AM
Due: Monday, 20 November 2023, 11:55 PM
In the SSE Coffee room you can discuss with some of the SSE faculty and other SSE students.
To complete this tasks:
- prepare at least one question/topic proposal regarding the SSE studies, and add it to this Google sheet before a Coffee room session
- visit the SSE Coffee room at least once in order to get an answer to your question(s)
- make a submission to MyCourses in which you write which Coffee Room session you participated, did you find it useful, any improvement ideas for the coming sessions
SSE Coffee room sessions in CS building:
- Mo 9.10.2023 12:00-12:45 (A237)
- Mo 13.11.2023 12:00-12:45 (A237)
- We 7.2.2024 13:00-13:45 (A106)
You can join the sessions anytime during the scheduled time.