LC-1112 - Online Presentations Skills for Engineers (o), Lecture, 1.8.2023-1.9.2023
This course space end date is set to 01.09.2023 Search Courses: LC-1112
Assignment 3: Reading and journal (Deadline: Monday, 7 August at 23.59)
Step 1: Choose two different course books suggested in this week's study materials that interest you the most. These electronic books can be accessed through Ebrary, linked in "Course Books". Read the first chapters of both books.
Step 2: Learning journal
The purpose of the learning journal is to reflect. The writing in the journal can be as informal or formal as you wish. Write approximately one-two pages, answering the following questions
1) Do you think you will have to present in your future career as engineer? What kinds of presentations do you think you will have to do?
2) What are your experiences with presenting in any language? How do you feel about presenting in general? How do you feel about presenting in English?
3) With regards to spoken communication skills in English, what do you think you are good at? What kinds of issues do you think you need to pay attention to in order to become a better presenter in English?
4) Now that you have reflected on your own needs as a presenter as well as read more about presentation skills in general, point out three issues from the two book chapters you found personally useful. Please reflect and justify your choice. Also comment on ideas that you disagreed with.
Your answer should show which books and chapters you are referring to in your reply.
5) What are your learning goals for this course? How would you like to challenge yourself with regards to presenting in English?
6) What else do you hope to learn during this course?