TU-EV00032 - Political Organizations and Decision Making, Lectures, 26.10.2023-30.11.2023
This course space end date is set to 30.11.2023 Search Courses: TU-EV00032
Group assignment on EU
Task instructions:
The aim of the assignment is to explore the European Commission’s priorities. Select and present in more detail the most significant initiative.
1. Analyze and briefly describe: Based on the priorities, what are the key initiatives the European Union is advancing now? How? Explore ways in which the priorities can be put into action.
2. Choose one key initiative. Describe the initiative your group chose, e.g., where it stands now, what its impact is.
3. How is the preparation of the new priorities going on? Is something missing that should be included? How would your group advance it?
Group formation:
Form groups of four students. Plan the start of your assignment and when you meet, either online or in person. Assign your group in MyCourses in the activity EU assignment groups. It can be found in the Assignments section. If you are missing a group, you can join a group in MyCourses or by email: mari.holopainen@aalto.fi
Send the group assignment in a format of your choice by the end of 22nd of November in MyCourses to the Group assignment on EU page or by email: mari.holopainen@aalto.fi
Please include the names of all of your group members in the submission. You will also present your work to another student group in the class on the 23rd of November. Each group has approximately 10 minutes to present their assignment to another group and 5 minutes for answering questions.