ELEC-L0902 - Introduction to Doctoral Studies D, Lecture, 12.1.2024-17.4.2024
This course space end date is set to 17.04.2024 Search Courses: ELEC-L0902
Final assignment
In this assignment you get to reflect on what you learned in this course and how you could improve your learning for the next time. You need to write in total about 5 pages.
Write about the following topics:
- the Orientations Days (after participating in the Orientation Days or after reading the Orientation Days material in MyCourses) AND
- 5 seminars. Write about seminars 2-6 (not seminar 1).
If you have missed some seminars, please read the seminar material from MyCourses and write based on that and by googling for more information on the topic. Please remember that participating in at least 3/6 seminars is compulsory.
You have two different possibilities regarding this assignment: option 1 or option 2
Option 1: This option consists of 2 parts. In part 1, write a 2-3 pages summary on what you have learned (see the topics above). This is a summary of the topics and contents of the orientation days and seminars (the topics you have chosen). Part two is a reflection (not a summary) on the learning. For your reflection you do one big reflection cycle where you reflect on all the topics using the Gibbs reflection cycle, a learning diary or some other reflection method. If you choose some other reflection method, please provide references to it. Part 2 should be 2-3 pages long, but the assignment in total about 5 pages (part 1 + part 2).
In addition, you should list the 3 most important
things you learned on this course.
Option 2: In this option you will not write a
summary, but you will do continuous reflections. You need to write several
small cycles for the different topics you have chosen (see the topics above)
and reflect on each topic separately. For reflection you may use
the Gibbs reflective cycle, small learning diaries or some other reflective
method (please provide references that describe the method). In option 2 you need
to write in total about 5 pages.
In addition, you should list the 3 most important
things you learned on this course.
Examples of reflective methods:
Gibbs reflective cycle
The Gibbs reflective cycle was presented in seminar 1 and used in the practical tips assignment. You can find links to the Gibb’s cycle here:
Learning diary
The learning diary was presented in seminar 1. A learning diary is a reflection of what you have heard, discussed, read or experienced at the course. It involves reflecting, asking questions and finding answers. A learning diary is not a summary of the topics or content of the seminars. A learning diary typically has 3-4 sections: expectations (can be part of the introduction), introduction, content assessment and analytical reflection. You can find some guidelines here: https://humak.libguides.com/c.php?g=686372&p=4910489 and https://www.jyu.fi/hytk/fi/laitokset/hela/en/studies/study_instructions/learning.
Submit the exercise (option 1 or 2) to MyCourses. Please use the pdf file format. Mention your name and student number in the text and name the file with your last name.