ARTS3101.kand - Bachelor's Thesis and Seminar, Bachelor's thesis, 11.1.2024-19.4.2024
Literature Review
Completion requirements
Due: Thursday, 25 January 2024, 8:00 AM
Further expand your thesis plan and references for the thesis template: Plan to review the literature or start reviewing the literature for your thesis (to write up asap!)
Read the literature review section of previously theses from the programme to reference the structure (available via Aaltodoc).
Prepare for presenting the following in 5-7 minutes:
- A summary of the literature / or the plan for reviewing the literature
- Your justification for selecting the literature (in relation to your research questions / objectives),
- 3. (If you have reviewed already) Key takeaways from the literature review, and how the takeaways may be used in your research (e.g. interviews or/and data analysis).
Upload the PDF to the Assignment folder on MyCourses before 8:00 o’clock on the 25th of January.