LC-1120 - Online Persuasive Presentations for Engineers (o), Lecture, 26.2.2024-14.4.2024
This course space end date is set to 14.04.2024 Search Courses: LC-1120
A4 Elevator pitch outline 1
Completion requirements
Make a submission
Receive a grade
Due: Monday, 11 March 2024, 11:59 PM
Create an outline for your EP: fill in the template, and submit by the deadline. Use either the linked A4 Elevator pitch outline 1 (.pdf) OR A4 Elevator pitch outline 1 (.docx). N.B. Sometimes the pdf does not save what you write, so please check it after you upload it.
Add the information in the template in note form NOT as a complete word-for-word script of your pitch.
- Ensure that your choice of elevator pitch topic derives from your specific field of study in engineering. Please note that suggesting an app is insufficient unless you can argue on how its technical specs and/or other impacts will be a significant improvement on what is currently available for the same application/ purpose(s). Talk with the teacher first if you're unsure.
- Apply the problem-solution pattern to organise the content of your pitch.
- Make sure that your argumentation builds on a variety, not just one type, of evidence, especially research-based. Indeed, it is highly advisable to provide more than one source of evidence to prove the validity of each reason. It will also provide you with more confidence during the Q&A with the investor-audience in the last pitch practice.
The teacher will respond to your topic proposal using traffic light colours:
Green=topic seems to be suitable to be pitched and well thought-out (=acceptable);
might need some further work and clarification, might be too broad and
general in scope, tentative but not absolute acceptance until A6 Elevator pitch outline 2 seen and approved, or topic discussed with teacher;
Red= topic not acceptable for the purposes of this course or assignment; a new topic might need to be suggested by the student. Contact the teacher ASAP to discuss your options.
10 pts
Deadline: Last Monday of Week 2 23:59