MS-EV0023 - Algebraic Geometry I, Lectures, 27.2.2024-12.4.2024
This course space end date is set to 12.04.2024 Search Courses: MS-EV0023
Final essay
Completion requirements
Due: Friday, 12 April 2024, 12:00 AM
Please upload your final essay here by midnight on April 11.
- The paper should be roughly 5-10 pages long and uploaded as a pdf file. Using LaTeX with the amsart documentclass is recommended.
- There is no requirement (nor encouragement) of originality of content, but of course the paper should be entirely in your own words.
- The paper should be as "self-contained" as possible. In particular, it should have a brief introduction explaining the main material to be discussed, and ideally some explanation of why it is important.
- Material from lecture may be used without citation. Material not covered in lecture but which is in Osserman/Hartshorne may be used with a citation without explicitly reproducing the statement. Any other material should be used with a precise statement of the result needed as well as a citation.