Topic outline

  • General

    Welcome to the course!

    Check the latest update (26.4.2021) below the
    - schedule (small UPDATE 15.2.2021)
    - links to TEAMS sessions

    Preliminary schedule:

    Updated Schedule

    LINKS to TEAMS sessions:

    The course will start on

    - Thursday 14.1.2021 in TEAMS at 14.15 o'clock

    MEC-E5003 Fluid Power Basics Thursday lectures (also some simulation, see the schedule)

    Click here to join the meeting

    MEC-E5003 Fluid Power Basics Monday lectures (also some simulation, see the schedule)

    Click here to join the meeting

    MEC-E5003 Fluid Power Basics Friday calculation exercises (6 exercises)

    Click here to join the meeting



    Update 26.4.2021

    Grading has been completed (26.4.) and the official grades are (have been sent) to the system.

    Some feedback still to come!

    Hauskaa Vappua!


    Update 1.4.2021

    Assignment Grading has been completed (1.4.).

    The actual Course Grading will be made after the holiday (next week).

    Some feedback files still not uploaded!

    Enjoy Your Holiday!


    Update 31.3.2021

    1. Grading is proceeding. More news today (31.3.).

    2. Webinar (In Finnish) by

    The Finnish Hydraulics & Pneumatics Association

    Sandvik kaivosratkaisut teknologiamurroksessa

    Ensimmäinen webinaari järjestetään, Teams-alustalla, 15.4.2021 klo 14–15.30.  Aiheena Sandvik kaivosratkaisut teknologiamurroksessa ja puhujana Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions, teknologiajohtaja Jani Vilenius. Tilaisuus on maksuton ja opiskelijat ovat tervetulleita mukaan seuraamaan webinaaria.

    Ilmoittautumiset tästä linkistä  13.4.2021 mennessä.


    Update 25.3.2021

    Extra simulation session for Research Assignment 3 today (Thursday) at 14.15 o'clock

    Check also Research Assignment 3 for new hints related to Mathcad template

    MEC-E5003 Fluid Power Basics Thursday lectures (this week for simulation at 14.15 o'clock)

    Click here to join the meeting


    Update 22.3.2021

    Extra simulation session for Research Assignment 3 on Thursday at 14.15 o'clock

    Check also Research Assignment 3 for new hints related to Mathcad template

    MEC-E5003 Fluid Power Basics Thursday lectures (this week for simulation at 14.15 o'clock)

    Click here to join the meeting


    Update 12.3.2021 (at 19.22 o'clock)

    Controlled Calculation Exercise 2 GRADED

    Virtual laboratory demonstration Quiz One

    Note! Only one (1) of the group gets the Quiz points ...  at first. The points will be manually added to the other group members, also! Sorry for this!


    Update 15.3.2021

    Monday simulation session

    Click here to join the meeting


    Update 12.3.2021 (at 19.22 o'clock)

    Controlled Calculation Exercise 2 GRADED

    Virtual laboratory demonstration Quiz One

    Note! Only one (1) of the group gets the Quiz points ...  at first. The points will be manually added to the other group members, also! Sorry for this!


    Update 12.3.2021 (at 8.55 o'clock)

    Controlled Calculation Exercise 2 on Friday at 14.15

    - Added: Pumps and motors.pdf -> examples, how to use pump and motor related equations (added 5.3.2021)

    Earn some extra points for you!

    The "assignment" for Controlled Calculation exercise 2   in Mycourses will open at 14.30 o'clock

    Mathcad template will be available for the calculations.

    Check also message for 10.3. for other topical activities.


    Update 10.3.2021 (at 21.21 o'clock)

    Research Assignment 3 is now open

    Exercises (mainly Simscape) for Groups  on

    - Thursday 11.3.2021

    - Monday 15.3.2021

    Deadline 25.3.2021

    Also topical:

    Virtual laboratory demonstration for GROUPS in TEAMS

    - enroll

    - read instructions below


    Update 8.3.2021 (at 11.35 o'clock)

    Virtual laboratory demonstration for GROUPS in TEAMS

    - this Assignment includes also 2 Quiz assignments for your Group, The 1st (Quiz One) available on Monday evening, 8.3.2021:

    Check the instructions here before starting the Quiz:

    Virtual laboratory demonstration Quiz One

    - enroll soon, this is for GROUPS -> only one in your Group enrolls

    - time slots between 15.3. - 19.3.2021

    - topic: Direct Drive Hydraulics (DDH), Electrohydraulic actuators (EHA)

    - meet our young researchers

    - earn grade points for your Group an also for yourself


    Update 8.3.2021 (at 11.35 o'clock)

    1. Lecture on Monday at 12.15 o'clock (PNEUMATICS)

    - lecture materials in LECTURE SLIDES 2021

    2. Virtual laboratory demonstration for GROUPS in TEAMS

    - enroll soon, this is for GROUPS -> only one in your Group enrolls

    - time slots between 15.3. - 19.3.2021

    - topic: Direct Drive Hydraulics (DDH), Electrohydraulic actuators (EHA)

    - meet our young researchers

    - this Assignment includes also Quiz assignments for your Group, available week 10 (on Wednesday, latest)

    - earn grade points for your Group an also for yourself

    3. Quizzes open

    - Quiz 2 open until 19.3.2021

    - Quiz 3 open until 19.3.2021

    4. More simulation exercises (Assignment 3 Groups)
    - on Thursday at 14.15 o'clock
    - on Monday 15.3, at 12.15 o'clock

    5. Controlled Calculation exercise on Friday at 14.15

    - Added: Pumps and motors.pdf -> examples, how to use pump and motor related equations (added 5.3.2021)


    Update 5.3.2021 (at 13.09 o'clock)

    Deadlines today (Friday 5.3.2021)

    - Quiz 1

    - Simulation assignment

    Calculation exercise today at 14.15

    - hints and equations for the Research Assignment 2 and Controlled calculation exercise 2

    - Added: Pumps and motors.pdf -> examples, how to use pump and motor related equations (added 5.3.2021)


    Update 4.3.2021 (at 9.35 o'clock)

    Read about LECTURE SLIDES and EQUATIONS below (update 1.3.2021) -> if you have difficulties with equations etc.

    1. Extra simulation session on Thursday at 12.15 o'clock

    - to help you to finalize the Simulation assignment

    - use TEAMS link for Thursday's lecture

    - deadline for Simulation assignment is 5.3.2021

    Click here to join the meeting

    2. Lecture on Thursday at 14.15 o'clock (PNEUMATICS 1)

    - lecture materials in LECTURE SLIDES 2021

    3. Calculation Exercise on Friday at 14.15 o'clock

    - information also related to Research Assignment 2

    4. Quizzes open

    - Quiz 1 open until 5.3.2021 (!)

    - Quiz 2 open until 19.3.2021

    - Quiz 3 open until 19.3.2021

    5. Virtual laboratory demonstration for GROUPS in TEAMS

    - enroll, this is for GROUPS -> only one in your Group enrolls

    - time slots between 15.3. - 19.3.2021

    - topic: Direct Drive Hydraulics (DDH), Electrohydraulic actuators (EHA)

    - meet our young researchers

    - this Assignment includes also Quiz assignments for your Group, available week 10

    - earn grade points for your Group an also for yourself


    Update 1.3.2021 (at 14.11 o'clock)


    - Lecture slides have been made with PDF-XChange Editor -> the equations should look correct, if you use this sotware

    - In Aalto's workstations and free version also available for your own computer

    - Check also

    - With browser (Firefox, nearly OK & Microsoft Edge, probably even better)

    - With Adobe Reader -> serious trouble with the equations

    1. Lecture at 12.15 o'clock (HYDRAULIC FLUIDS, FILTERS etc.)

    - slides available LECTURE SLIDES 2021

    2. Virtual laboratory demonstration for GROUPS in TEAMS

    - enroll, this is for GROUPS -> only one in your Group enrolls

    - time slots between 15.3. - 19.3.2021

    - topic: Direct Drive Hydraulics (DDH), Electrohydraulic actuators (EHA)

    - meet our young researchers

    3. Extra simulation session on Thursday at 12.15 o'clock

    - to help you to finalize the Simulation assignment

    - use TEAMS link for Thursday's lecture

    Click here to join the meeting

    4. Lecture on Thursday at 14.15 o'clock (PNEUMATICS 1)

    5. Calculation Exercise on Friday at 14.15 o'clock

    - information also related to Research Assignment 2

    6. Quizzes to come

    - Quiz 1 open until 5.3.2021

    - Quiz 2 open until 19.3.2021


    Update 22.2.2021 (at 19.58 o'clock)

    Research Assignment 1 GRADED


    Update 19.2.2021 (at 18.18 o'clock)

    Research Assignment 2 available

    - Powerpoint

    - Four (4) Mathcad templates

    Assignment will be discussed on Friday 5.3.2021 at 14.15 o'clock

    New life and file in Calculation exercises 2021


    Update 15.2.2021

    Simulation exercise III on Monday at 12.15 o'clock

    Simulation exercise IV on Thursday at 14.15 o'clock is moved! -> 2 sessions

    1. Simulation exercise IV on Monday 15.2.2021 at 15.00 o'clock

    2. Also on week starting on 1.3.2021 (Simulation exercise IV recap)

    - Research Assignment 2 soon available

    - Quiz 1 is available


    Update 12.2.2021

    Controlled Calculation Exercise 1
    on Friday 12.2.2021 GRADED

    - Join (MEC-E5003 Fluid Power Basics Friday calculation exercises - link above)

      - Assignment in MyCourses will be opened at 14.30 o'clock -> open (you can return the file) at 16.00 o'clock latest

      - Assignment template as a Mathcad file

      - Also visible as a pdf, probably also as an Excel

    -  in trouble (with Mathcad) you can also use the Excel for documentation

    - Research Assignment 1 deadline 12.2.2021


    Update 11.2.2021

    - Simulation assignment continues on Thursday 11.2.2021 at 14.15 o'clock

    - New material (solutions) for Calculation exercises 2021

    - Controlled calculation exercise on Friday 12.2.2021

      - Assignment in MyCourses will be opened at 14.30 o'clock -> open (you can return the file) at 16.00 o'clock latest

      - Assignment template as a Mathcad file

      - Also visible as a pdf, probably also as a Powerpoint

      -  in trouble (with Mathcad) you can also use the Powerpoint for documentation

    - See instructions for Quiz 1 below (10.2.2021)

    - Research Assignment 1 deadline 12.2.2021


    Update 10.2.2021

    1. Schedule Changes to come related to Simulation excercise on Thursday 18.2.2021

    2. Quiz 1 open

    Deadline 5.3.2021

    - Quiz 1 consists of questions related to slide sets 1 - 4

    - Multiple choice questions (1 correct answer out of 4 options)

    - 20 questions, 45 minutes to go

    - 6 attempts possible

         - 2 attempts -> after 2 attempts

      - student must wait 1 day before attempting the Quiz a third time and any subsequent times.

    - The best of the attempts determines the final Grade


    Update 7.2.2021

    Monday (8.2.2021) and Thursday (11.2.2021) -> Simulation assignment

    Materials available:

    - instructions (Word)

    - report template (Powerpoint)


    get Matlab / Simulink / Simscape Fluids (instructions in Simulation assignment)

    On Friday 12.2.2021 -> controlled calculation exercise at 14.15 o'clock


    Update 4.2.2021

    1. Updated lecture file (#6)

    2. New file Valves support material 2021

    3. Quiz 1 soon available!

    4. On Friday (5.2.), no calculation exercise

    5. Next week(s') Monday and Thursday -> simulation assignment

    get Matlab / Simulink / Simscape Fluids (instructions below)

    6. Next week Friday -> controlled calculation exercise


    Update 1.2.2021

    1. Uploaded new lecture file (#6)

    2. Updated file (again)

    Companies in Finland using fluid power in their products


    Update 28.1.2021 (at 19.32 o'clock)

    1. Calculation exercises 2021

    - new material now (29.1.2021) available for Calculation exercise 2 (Mathcad template)

    2. Uploaded new lecture file (#5) (again)

    3. Updated file (again)

    Companies in Finland using fluid power in their products


    Update 25.1.2021

    1. Uploaded new lecture file (#5)

    2. Updated file

    Companies in Finland using fluid power in their products


    Update 22.1.2021

    1. The 1st Research Assignment 1 for Groups

    Templates (originally Mathcad) 1 and 2 also in pdf format for "reading" -> get access to Mathcad software and use it in preparing result files

    2. Calculation exercises for 2021

    - new material now (22.1.2021) available

    Calculation exercises 2021

    - the actual exercise time (14.15 o'clock)

    During the exercise:

    - we can go through Assignment 1

    - we can start with Mathcad (on Friday)

    - we can also use materials for 2020 (Calculation exercises 2020)


    Update 21.1.2021

    1. The 1st Research Assignment 1 for Groups

    - now available

    - deadline 12.2.2021

    2. Lecture on Thursday at 14.15 o'clock (check the TEAMS link for Thursday above)

    3. Calculation exercises 2020 -> inspirational material for Assignments and Calculation Exercises

    - actual Calculation exercises start on Friday 22.1.2021 ast 14.15 o'clock

    - new material also available soon for Calculation exercises

    - check the Hydraulics Formula Collection file included

    4. Updated file

    Companies in Finland using fluid power in their products


    Update 19.1.2021

    Companies in Finland using fluid power in their products

    Version 18.1.2021


    Update 18.1.2021


    Research Group Selection

    (under Assignments) to enrol

    Many of the assignments will be made in Groups. Become a member!


    Update 14.1.2021


    available (3 slide sets)


    Update 13.1.2021



    Slides will be updated for 2021


    The course will start on

    - Thursday 14.1.2021 in TEAMS at 14.15 o'clock ... and continue on

    - Monday 18.1.2021 in TEAMS at 12.15 o'clock etc.

    Calculation exercises on Fridays at 14.15 starting 22.1.2021.

    More detailed course schedule soon available!

    The main idea for the course realization is that the "contact teaching" will be in TEAMS. Links soon available.

    Assignments - software

    We will use

    - Mathcad

    - Matlab - Simulink - Simscape Fluids

    You can

    - download (Mathcad and Matlab) OR

    - use Aalto's workstations remotely

    Remote usage of Aalto's workstations

    Check the page and possibilities, if you find it interesting:

    More info:  (FI) ->Etätyö - VPN ja VDI (ENG) -> Remote Work

    Downloading and installing software

    - Matlab + Simulink with Simscape (include Simscape Fluids) toolbox

    - Mathcad (possibly free Mathcad Express)
      - The Mathcad version in Aalto is Prime (in Workstations)
      - Mathcad Express available is Prime (free version).

    It is probably easier, if you have access to Aalto's workstations. If not, you can download Mathcad for free, at least for a while:

    1. option
    In Finnish: Mathcad Prime 5 kokeiluversio
    2. option
    Mathcad Express Free Download: Free 30 Day Trial, version
    At the end of 30 days, you’ll then automatically have lifetime access to PTC Mathcad Express, a lighter version of PTC Mathcad 6.0.

    If questions, contact