LC-1114 - Communicating Technology (o,w), Lecture, 13.9.2021-25.10.2021
This course space end date is set to 25.10.2021 Search Courses: LC-1114
A2 Introduction paragraph (problem-solution) (DL 9am Sep 20)
This text will become the introduction paragraph of a recommendation report in which you propose a solution to an evident need or problem that has been identified in the current practices, products or services of your client.
Pattern of organisation Problem-solution
Topic ONE of the problems/needs and its solution from the pre-course assignment A1.
Audience Decision makers, educated but non-expert
Length 150-200 words
The problem can be a weakness in design, function or implementation. The client who has commissioned this recommendation can be any potential user of the solution, such as decision makers of a municipality, institution, company or an international organisation.
Use the problem-solution pattern to motivate your recommendation and to orient your reader effectively to its relevance.
The problem-solution pattern of organisation
1. Situation = wider context and relevance
- Describe the general importance/relevance of topic briefly
- State current context (who is this addressed to - name the client! What do they do,
what are their current practices).
2. Problem = weakness/problem in or a need arising from your client’s current practices.
- What is currently lacking/needed/unsatisfactory (“However,…”)
3. Solution
- Name the proposed solution to overcome the problem.
4. Evaluation
- Briefly state the main advantage of this solution to justify the recommendation.
At the end of your text, include a list of references to sources you have used to find the information. Remember also the corresponding in-text citations where necessary.
Follow the conventions of your field!
Bring this assignment to class, prepared to share and discuss it AND submit it here.
- 17 August 2021, 10:29 AM