LC-7210 - Suomi 1, ryhmä 11 (remote), Luento-opetus, 18.1.2022-24.3.2022
This course space end date is set to 24.03.2022 Search Courses: LC-7210
Self-assessment due 6.3.
Write a short (50-100 words) text in English reflecting your language learning process. You can answer these questions, but you don't have to answer all of them.
1) How well do you think you know the topics we have covered so far: greetings, numbers, asking and answering questions, conjugating verbs, talking about your family? Talking about your daily routines? Which of the things you think you know well, which require more practise?
2) Reflect the text writing process: how was trying to find information in Finnish. How much did you use materials (the course book, dictionaries...) when writing it?
3) Is it easy for you to follow the lessons and complete activities in the break out rooms?
4) Are you happy with your study efforts so far? Have you had enough time to complete homework exercises?
5) Have you used the structures you have learnt in the course in your everyday life? If not, why?
You can also write any wishes about study contents or methods. The task won't be graded.