AAE-E3080 - Thermal Energy Storage Systems D, Lecture, 4.4.2022-18.5.2022
This course space end date is set to 18.05.2022 Search Courses: AAE-E3080
Interpeer assessment - give feedback on your teamwork
Inter-peer assessment
We would like to ask each student to shortly give feedback on how their groups have functioned.
Please give short answers to the following questions (few sentences per question):
How has your team functioned, what has gone well and what could have gone better?
Please provide a short description of your own performance and those of all other team members. Then rate team member performance in 2 ways as follows:
- Contribution to report > Please rate your own and each team members’ effort from 1-5 (worst-best).
Presence in meetings and presentations > Please rate yourself and teams members 1-5 (worst-best).
Note that this inter-peer assessment is totally confidential so you can be open in your comments, do please mention team members’ names! Please write the assessment of your team members in alphabetical order based on surnames of group members.
This exercise is compulsory, and you will receive 2p as part of your individual project grade for completing it.