ARTX-C1019 - Introduction to Research in Design and Media, Lecture, 5.9.2022-5.12.2022
This course space end date is set to 05.12.2022 Search Courses: ARTX-C1019
7. Thesis Topic Proposal Revision
Based on the feedback, revise your thesis topic proposal and submit here.
Use the same bullet points in the format of Word document but submit in PDF:
- where the topic was introduced (e.g. previous study project name),
- key definitions,
- research questions (context, scope and contributions),
- your background literature (annotated bibliography),
- your target audience (research community), and
- other relevant matters.
It is very important to explain what feedback you received from teachers and peers at the midterm and what change(s) you have made for the revision!
If you want to change into a new group (with a different MA study option), please include your explanation why you feel that way. If you have agreed with someone to exchange the group, also write here.