ARTX-C1019 - Introduction to Research in Design and Media, Lecture, 5.9.2022-5.12.2022
This course space end date is set to 05.12.2022 Search Courses: ARTX-C1019
10. Interview Report
Completion requirements
Due: Sunday, 20 November 2022, 11:59 PM
Write a report of three interviews (30-45 mins per interview).
If interviewees are somewhat related to your thesis, that would be ideal. I assume that those who have a clear / narrow enough thesis topic can do this already.
However, this assignment can be simply exercises for learning what it means to use interviews for the research purpose. In this case, you just 'practice' how to do interviews formally and properly with your peers/friends/family/etc.
Even very trained researchers often conduct 'preliminary' interviews for a new research to see if the questions are properly phrased or to check if there is something to pay attention to. Throughout this exercise, you can surely conduct your actual interviews more comfortably and confidently.
When submitting, you shall include:
- Signed informed consent form per interviewee (see the template under Resources > MISC.)
- List of participants (anonymize! but include the relevant info for your thesis. e.g. gender, ethnicity, age group, profession, etc.)
- Format of interviews (formality: structured/semi-structured, setting, duration, etc.)
- Guiding questions (introduce a set of questions, explain why those questions are prepared, how the questions are sequenced)
- Transcribed interview data (at least two interviews, use one of available preferred softwares and name which software you used to transcribed, this material will be used for the next assignment to practice 'analyzing qualitative data')
- Personal reflections from your experiences with the interviews (e.g. how did they go, anything to add on Namkyu's practical tips)
*For those who do the 5ECTS version: conduct five interviews total (and transcribe at least three interviews)
If interviewees are somewhat related to your thesis, that would be ideal. I assume that those who have a clear / narrow enough thesis topic can do this already.
However, this assignment can be simply exercises for learning what it means to use interviews for the research purpose. In this case, you just 'practice' how to do interviews formally and properly with your peers/friends/family/etc.
Even very trained researchers often conduct 'preliminary' interviews for a new research to see if the questions are properly phrased or to check if there is something to pay attention to. Throughout this exercise, you can surely conduct your actual interviews more comfortably and confidently.
When submitting, you shall include:
- Signed informed consent form per interviewee (see the template under Resources > MISC.)
- List of participants (anonymize! but include the relevant info for your thesis. e.g. gender, ethnicity, age group, profession, etc.)
- Format of interviews (formality: structured/semi-structured, setting, duration, etc.)
- Guiding questions (introduce a set of questions, explain why those questions are prepared, how the questions are sequenced)
- Transcribed interview data (at least two interviews, use one of available preferred softwares and name which software you used to transcribed, this material will be used for the next assignment to practice 'analyzing qualitative data')
- Personal reflections from your experiences with the interviews (e.g. how did they go, anything to add on Namkyu's practical tips)
*For those who do the 5ECTS version: conduct five interviews total (and transcribe at least three interviews)