CS-C3120 - Human-Computer Interaction, Lecture, 6.9.2022-15.11.2022
Assignment 7: Paper prototype
Completion requirements
Due: Sunday, 13 November 2022, 11:59 PM
Assignment 7: Paper prototype, see also slide 47 in the lecture slides.
Create a paper prototype interface and evaluate it users
Task: design 6-8- steps to complete a given task for a smart jewellery accessory individually. Focus on abstract functionality (NOT a smartwatch interface!)
Look at https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVPIaL4PQ=/?share_link_id=570192766768
Smart jewellery accessory types and examples:
- Ring: control another surface
- Brooch: notify others on your brooch
- Bracelet: get info about a person
- Earring: share infor with others
Evaluate your interface
- Evaluate your design with 2-3 persons
- Iterate your design
- Report findings, reflect on the excercise