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  • Yleinen

    • Keskustelualue icon

      Thank you for the course!

      (latest and perhaps the last edit on 13.4.2024 at 13.35 o'clock:)

      Topical (only 1 theme):

      Course is now graded
      (sorry for the delay!).
      • Your data should be in the "SISU system" now!
      • The limits between the grades were
      • 5 - 265.5 points
      • 4 - 246 points
      • 3 - 220.5 points
      • 2 - 195 points
      • 1 - 165 points
      Thank you for attendance and activity!

      We have some othere courses for you, if you were interested in the topic and our style.

      Autumn 2024:
      - MEC-E3004 Fluid Power Systems
      - MEC-E3005 Fluid Power Dynamics (contact the teacher jyrki.kajaste@aalto.fi for this, the schedule is free)

      See you later! Have a nice vappu!


      Jyrki Kajaste


      - Research Assignment 2 (<- link) now graded (5.4.2024), feedback HAVE BEEN UPLOADED (7.4.2024)
      - Some additional grading needed (labs) and "cleaning" of assignment grades (points only for active team members)
      - Calculation Quiz is a bonus assignment! Theoretically full points can exceed 100%.
      - Simulation assignment (<- link) is graded! (22.3.2024)
      - Calculation Quiz (BONUS) available 14.3.2024 at 12.00 o'clock -> extra points (individuals)
        Calculation Quiz (BONUS) (<- link), read instructions there
      - GROUPS -> Pneumatics Laboratory Assignmnent (enrol, LINK), materials (LINK)
      - GROUPS -> Research Assignment 2, deadline 21.3.2024
      - Finalize other Quizzes (1, 2, and 3), deadline 22.3.2024

      1. Quiz 1Quiz 2, and Quiz 3 open until Friday 22.3.2024. (new deadline for Quiz 1 and 2). See also Calculation Quiz below.
            Questions based on lecture slides. Quiz 3 icludes lecture materials from lectures 26.2.2024 and 29.2.2024.
            Calculation Quiz (Bonus) also available (14.3.2024 -> 26.3.2024) BONUS points for you!
      2. Research Assignment 1 Grading is over.
      3. Pneumatics laboratory exercise scheduler available (LINK) and MORE materials (LINK)
         - Assignment instructions 
         - Component figures 
         - Videos which help you to understand the exercises
      3.1 Please enroll soon (-> 1 day before)
      4. Laboratory visit: we will organize demonstrations in the lab during Mechatronic Circus 11.4.2024. Please, visit the lab then!
          These demonstrations are not part of the fluid power course, however.
      5. Thursday 7.3.2024 at 14.15 o'clock lecture: Pneumatics (Jyrki Kajaste)
      6. Simulation assignment's new deadline was 5.3.2024. If you still have a "nearly ready" report, please finalize and upload it!
      7. Research Assignment 2 (<- link) now fully available, deadline on 21.3.2024.
      - Templates 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4  available (28.2.2024)
      - The Research Assignment 2 was introduced during Calculation exercises on Friday 16.2.2024
      (Check the recording)
      8. Lectures
        Monday 26.2.2024 Fluids and Filters (Dr. Olof Calonius) -> Quiz 3
        Thursday 29.2.2024 Valves and additional material (Dr. Jyrki Kajaste) -> Quiz 3
        Monday 4.3.2024 Accumulators and hydraulic reservoir simulation (Arto Laamanen, HYDAC)
        Thursday 7.3.2024 Pneumatics (Dr. Jyrki Kajaste)

      Pneumatics laboratory exercise schedule below:
      Pneumatics laboratory exercise schedule

      1. Hydraulics laboratory works (GROUPS) are now over.
      1.1 Pneumatics laboratory works to start soon

        - Do not have your best clothes on! There is mineral oil in the lab. Protective gloves and overcoats available. 
        - Check the MAPS (<- LINK)
        - Read the Instructions (<- LINK) before entering the laboratory, you will discuss the its topics with the teacher before the actual session starts
         - Only one member of the GROUP has to enroll.
         - See the schedule below or on the TOOL page.
         - The time window for this will be weeks 6-8 (including the examination week).
         - Earn some points by attending: 1. GROUP's points and 2. personal points.
         - If you personally can't attend the laboratory exercise at the same time as the other members, choose another time slot, join another group just for this session.
         - If problems, please write an email! (jyrki.kajaste@aalto.fi)
      More information soon!

      2. Simulation session on Monday in Maarintalo, (Maari C-D). 
      On Thursday the classroom is again R102 (<- link, page includes a link to map!) in Väre building, Aalto School of Arts, Design and Architecture
      However, the room has capacity of 31, only!
      - Check the MAPS (<- LINK)
      - Materials now available under Simulation assignment (<- link)
      - If you attend to use Matlab with your own computer, you can download the software from Aalto Download (<- link). Install Matlab, Simulink, and Simscape with Isothermal Liquid library.
      - On Thursdays the classroom is R102 (<- link, page includes a link to map!) in Väre building, Aalto School of Arts, Design and Architecture. The room has capacity of 31, only!
      Note: Matlab is in "Classrooms, All except ARTS and BIZ specific". Have to check what that means!
      3. Some "hints" added for Research Assignment 1. (5.2.2024)
      4. Research group selection time window expanded! Plese, enroll ASAP!
      5. Calculation exercises materials available (exercise 2)
      6. Lecture slides added
      7. Hints for literature and videos down below. Please, check!

      Most of the points in this course come from Research Assignments which are made by Research Groups.

      Materials for the Research Assignment 1 are available now (Saturday 20.1.2024).

      Calculation exercises (starting on Friday) are voluntary sessions during which you can practice your skills in calculations.
      We will use Mathcad as the calculation tool in a) exercises and in b) Research Assignments.
      Materials available for the 1st session. Equation collection and Template 1.

      Mathcad Instructions:

      Mathcad should be available in Aalto's workstations (also remotely), check course's Calculation exercises (later) page for instructions.

      Remote usage of Aalto's workstations

      Check the page and possibilities, if you find it interesting:


      More info:

      https://www.aalto.fi/fi/palvelut/it-palvelut-opiskelijoille  -> Etätyö - VPN ja VDI  (FI)

      https://www.aalto.fi/en/it-for-students  -> Remote Work  (ENG)

      Mathcad should be found in Maari-C computers at least! We will check this!

      However, you can get a free version for your own PC

      a) at first 30 day full version

      b) after 30 days -> limited express version

      Download free trial version:


      We will continue on Monday 22.1.2024 at 12.15 o'clock in classroom 326 of K1 building (Konetekniikka 1, street address Otakaari 4).
      The lectures and exercises will be in TEAMS, also. Links for Thursday, Monday, and Friday added below. 
      You should now (12.1.2024) have access to lecture recordings (<- link) in TEAMS.

      Literature and videos
      This book might be interesting. Quite advanced!
      Manring, N, & Fales, R. Hydraulic control systems

      Videos in YouTube
      These LunchBox Sessions might be interesting:

      Some Lecture materials available

      Preliminary schedule below
      IT-classroom R102 is in Väre building (capacity 31)!

      Schedule for year 2024

      TEAMS link for Thursday sessions (starting at 14.15 o'clock)

      TEAMS link for Monday sessions (starting at 12.15 o'clock)

      TEAMS link for Friday sessions (starting at 14.15 o'clock)

      If you have anything to ask, please contact me ...

      Jyrki Kajaste

      Take care and see you!
    • Kansio icon
      Lecture materials 2024 Kansio
    • Ryhmävalinta icon
      Research group selection Ryhmävalinta

      Research group selection.

      Open until evening ot 1st of February!

    • Tehtävä icon
      Research Assignment 1 Tehtävä
    • Kansio icon
      Calculation exercises Kansio
    • Tehtävä icon
      Simulation assignment Tehtävä
    • Quiz -tehtävä icon
      Quiz 1 Quiz -tehtävä

      Quiz 1

      Deadline 22.3.2024  (changed on 13.3.2023)

      - Quiz 1 consists of questions related to slide sets 1 - 4

      - Multiple choice questions (1 correct answer out of 4 options)

      - 20 questions, 90 minutes to go

      - 6 attempts possible

           - 2 attempts -> after 2 attempts

        - student must wait 1 day before attempting the Quiz a third time and any subsequent times.

      - The best of the attempts determines the final Grade

    • Quiz -tehtävä icon
      Quiz 2 Quiz -tehtävä
    • Kansio icon
      MAPS Kansio

      Campus MAPS for

      - Laboratory works ... in Fluid Power Laboratory (K4 building, door O, Sähkömiehentie 4 backyard)

      - Simulation sessions

        - Maarintalo, Maari C-D (Mondays)

        - VÄRE, R102 (Thursdays)

        - Undergraduate Center (1 Friday)

      Aalto's Campus MAP (<- LINK)

      VÄRE and class R102 map on the bottom

      Laboratory MAP 2024

      Number 5: K4 - Fluid Power Laboratory

      Number 8: K1 - Lectures

      Number 67: VÄRE - Thursday simulations, class R102 (see VÄRE-map on the bottom)

      Mini-Campus MAP

      VÄRE and class R102 below

      Väre MAP Large

      Väre R102 MAP small

    • Tiedosto icon
      Hydraulics Laboratory Assignment Tiedosto PDF
    • Tehtävä icon
      Research Assignment 2 Tehtävä
    • Quiz -tehtävä icon
      Quiz 3 Quiz -tehtävä
    • Ajanvaraus icon
      Pneumatics laboratory exercise for GROUPS scheduler Ajanvaraus
    • Tiedosto icon
      Pneumatics Laboratory Assignment Tiedosto PDF
    • Kansio icon
      Pneumatics laboratory assignment materials Kansio

      Documents and video links:

      • Assignment instructions (on the bottom of the page).
      • Components in PowerPoint file (on the bottom of the page).

      YouTube videos:

      FESTO relay video in YouTube


      Various Input DC 3/2 Valves

      Electro-Pneumatics Intro

      Electro Pneumatics Prac - Exercise 1

      Solenoid DCVs Part 1

      The Basics of Electropneumatics

      More pneumatics:

      The Underground Clocks of Paris

    • Quiz -tehtävä icon
      Calculation Quiz (BONUS) Quiz -tehtävä