TU-CV0006 - Good Life Engine, Lectures, 12.10.2022-29.3.2023
This course space end date is set to 29.03.2023 Search Courses: TU-CV0006
Final assignments description
final GLE session will be held on 29.3. Here are the assignments to complete
before the session.
1. With your team, create a poster (jpg, pdf, pp, any format) to showcase your routine journey. What was challenging, what did you learn? Imagine you need to give new students tips on how to change behavior (create new habits) in the easiest and most effective ways using the example of your routine(s). Be ready to present your routine execution tips as a team, or 1-2 members from your team, on 29.03. Upload the poster to MyCourses before the final session.
2. Make a short video (you can use your phone) – 10-15 sec. to showcase your routine. We will combine all the videos and make one Good Life Engine reel out of them. Thus, please, make it in a way that it will be fine for you that we will make the reel public. Contact us if don’t want that your video will be used in AVP social channels and other means to showcase the course. The video should be uploaded to MyCourses by 27.03 at 14.00 to be included in the reel.
3. Write a free-form individual essay before 14.04. The length of the essay should be around 1000 words. Upload the essay to Peergrade via MyCourses. After the submission period, peer-review 2 essays from your fellow students. Please don’t put your name in the essay, it will be anonymous.
In your essay, discuss the following questions:
- What did you learn about yourself during the course?
- What life challenges or questions made you register for the course? Did you notice any changes in them? If you did, to what you will attribute these changes?
- Do you notice any changes in you after the course?
- Describe your journey of routine execution. What were your challenges, and how did you overcome them?
- Which course topics and which course tools brought the most practical value for you, and resonated with you the most? How did you implement them in your life, studies, or routines?
- Which topics/challenges were missing from the course, but are important to be discussed?
- Please, feel free to write any suggestions and improvements for the course for next year.
When you write an essay please refer to the materials, session, and speakers from the course.
4. Check the attendance sheet on MyCourses front page (if your student number doesn't show contact me at rahim.ahsanullah@aalto.fi). If you have missed more than five sessions, write an extra essay, one essay per each session missed after the five sessions. Instructions for the essay:
Choose a topic discussed in the course (e.g. Stoicism, Entrepreneurship, effectuation, growth vs. fixed mindset) and write an essay of at least 3 pages or 1000 words. Please utilize some concepts introduced in the course that resonated with you, you can check the previous lecture slides and PDFs. In addition, use 3 or more sources that you’ve found online and refer to them. Send this assignment to lidia.rauramo@aalto.fi and Rahim in cc. rahim.ahsanullah@aalto.fi.