PHYS-C0310 - Teknillisen fysiikan laboratoriotyöt, Luento-opetus, 7.11.2021-22.5.2022
This course space end date is set to 22.05.2022 Search Courses: PHYS-C0310
Exercise 2.1 - Magnetic Anisotropy
This lab exercise is not suitable for people with a pacemaker or any other devices which are sensitive to magnetic fields!
The content of the
Magnetic materials have a great impact on our daily life. A wide range of magnetic materials is used in different forms for the benefit of society. Magnetic thin films for example are used in computer hard disk drives, magnetic sensors and microwave devices. One of the main aspects of magnetism is the control of magnetic anisotropy, where anisotropy means a difference in energy depending on the direction of magnetization.
The purpose of this work is to understand the fundamentals of magnetic anisotropy and to investigate the anisotropy of magnetic thin films by using magneto-optical Kerr microscope.
Exercise sessions can be reserved from this link:
Location: Nanotalo, Puumiehenkuja 2 A, 02150 Espoo. Meet the assistant 5 min before the session in the lobby. (In case there was an issue with accessing the building, send an email or contact +358504210393).
The first version of the report must be returned to the exercise assistant electronically no later than three weeks after making the measurements. The writing time for the second revised version, in turn, is two weeks, calculated from the assistant's invitation to the feedback session.
The reports will be returned to the assistant by email. The reports should be written only in English.
Material and measurement
Read carefully the instructions, where more information on the experiment and report can be found. In addition, read the sections "Kurssin suorittaminen" and "Selkkariohjeita" in MyCourses.
Contact information
Nikolai Kuznetsov