Topic outline

  • General

    • Make sure to bring a fully charged laptop to the course exam (carried out on campus, in Otakaari 1 lecture hall D, using MyCourses) on Friday 26.1. at 14.00-17.00.

    • Games and assignments in-class: 70%, individual course exam 30% of final grade. There is a possibility to earn an extra 1% through responding to the course feedback survey.It is crucial to note that the delivery method of the course requires active participation in all of the lectures.
    • The simulations are run in Harvard Business Publishing system
    • The responsible teacher: Misa Bakajic
    • The teaching assistant: Yuxi Hou



    Book chapter(s)



    Lecture 1Tue 24.10. 
    T004  (Ekonominaukio 1) 

    1. Process definitions

    o   4Vs & ops performance objectives (short recap)

    o   Process types (short recap) & layout types

    o   Long-thin vs. short-fat

    o   Process mapping intro

    Krajewski et al. 1, 3



    ­­­Car wash: Balancing process capacity

    Lecture 2. Thurs 26.10 
    F102 (Väre)

    2. Process design

    o   Process mapping/descriptions

    o   Value stream mapping

    o   Work design and measurement

    o   Cell production

    Krajewski et al. 4

    Cachon and Terwiesch 4

    Northwest Bank






    Lecture 3. Tues 31.10  
    ALMA MEDIA –U356 

    (Undergrad Centre) 

    2. Process design (continued)

    o   Pull-push boundary

    o   Theory of Constraints


    Krajewski et al. 8

    Cachon and Terwiesch 10


    Push vs. Pull Production Simulation

    Lecture 4. Thurs 2.11. 
    F102 (Väre)

    3. Distribution and logistics

    o   Little’s law

    o   EOQ

    o   Line balancing, waiting/Queuing lines

    o   Intro to Newsvendor

    Krajewski et al. 7

    Cachon and Terwiesch 2, 4


    Process Analytics tutorial (marked assignment, 5%)


    Lecture 5. Tues 7.11.  
    F102 (Väre)

    3. Distribution and logistics (continued)

    o   Inventory management

    o   Newsvendor




    Krajewski et al. 9

    Cachon and Terwiesch 6

    LEGO: Consolidating Distribution

    Inventory Basics simulation


    Lecture 6. Thurs 9.11.  
    F102 (Väre)

    4. Process improvement methods

    o   Service process mapping and improvement

    o   Managing variability

    o   Buffering, pooling

    Cachon and Terwiesch 9





    System Utilization in Service Management (marked assignment, 5%)


    Lecture 7.Tues 14.11.  
    F102 (Väre)

    5. Lean operations

     Krajewski et al. 8,13

    Cachon and Terwiesch 10

    Lean Manufacturing Initiatives at Boeing


    Lecture 8. Tues 21.11.  
    M202 (Väre) 


    6. Practical Applications of Process Analysis 


    Krajewski et al. 8

    Cachon and Terwiesch 10

     Alpro: Sustainable Soybean Supply Chain


    Guest Lecturer: 

    Katariina Kemppainen

    Lecture 9. Thurs 23.11

    ALMA MEDIA –U356 

    (Undergrad Centre) 


     o Course review




    Covid-19 case (no pre-readings for the case)


    Lecture 10. Tues 28.11.  
    ALMA MEDIA –U356 

    (Undergrad Centre) 

    8. Supply chain management

    o Operations and supply chain risk

    o Sustainable supply chains 




     Krajewski et al. 14

    Cachon and Terwiesch 11, 12


     Multiple Server Queues simulation (marked assignment, 5%) 

    Lecture 11. Thurs 30.11 

    F102 (Väre) 

    9. Supply chain management (cont)

     o Exam practicalities


    Krajewski et al. 14

    Cachon and Terwiesch 11, 12


    Global Supply Chain simulation (marked assignment, 5%)

    Final Exam  5.12.


    Course examinations take place at 13:00-16:00 at Undergraduate Centre, B-sali - Y203a

    •  Exam carried out on Mycourses

    • Bring your laptop computers
    • Ensure they are fully charged

    The date for resit examination will be announced in the future if the event is scheduled.

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