ARTS-E1000 - ARTS Summer School, Lectures, 1.8.2022-17.8.2022
This course space end date is set to 17.08.2022 Search Courses: ARTS-E1000
Design Justice I (4 August)
Start on the 4th of August, to be completed by 8 August 2022.
Reading package and exercises by Caroline Dionne, Parsons School of Design - The New School.
Despite our best intentions as designers, designed “things” aren’t neutral: design can be empowering, but it can also be exclusive or reinforce the oppressive structures of social inequities and inequalities (of race, gender, or class). This session will be devoted to a student-led set of explorations on the theme of Design Justice. First, students will engage individually in an online/asynchronous discussion of two selected essays. In teams, students will then conduct a swift research exercise to gather examples and precedents that speak to a design justice problem or cause (see detailed instruction packet). The findings gathered through this exercise will, in turn, serve as a point of departure for the speculative/scenario-building exercise “Design Justice II” on 9 August.
Please find the materials and instructions for this study in this document.Please read the instructions carefully. the study is composed of two steps:
(1) Online discussion - by 6th August
Use the document shared for this discussion
(2) Blitz research exercise - by 8th August
There is a Mural board for this step. (Password: JustDesign)