Topic outline

  • Course Information

    How do I plan my career? What kind of support is available to doctoral students?

    In this course we will discuss and hear expert views on doctoral studies, services available, career planning, financing, research ethics etc.
    Currently this course is arranged twice a year.

    Course Staff

    Teachers in Charge: prof Ari Sihvola and prof Vesa Välimäki

    Course Coordinator: Marja Leppäharju,

    Course Assistant: Antti Ojapelto,

    Various visiting lecturers

    Course Requirements

    In order to pass the course, you need to meet these requirements:

    Active Participation in Seminars
    1. You need to attend all seminars, or substitute one by doing extra homework. If you have force majeure and miss more than one, please contact the course coordinators to discuss your course.

    1. Preliminary Assignment
    2. Ethics Assignment
    3. Career Assignment
    4. Writing Assignment
    5. Final Reflection Essay
    6. Assignment for 3 cr (Do this, if you want 3 credit points)

    Admission and Registration

    This course is for doctoral students of Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering. We are sorry we can't take any M.Sc. or B.Sc. students. If you have begun your work towards doctor's degree and filed the application to become a doctoral student in Aalto ELEC, please contact the course coordinators.

    In order to apply to the course:
    1. Register in WebOodi and submit your Preliminary Assignment In MyCourses
    2. Please be present in time at the beginning of Seminar 1
    Admission preferences if needed to limit group size:
    1. Full-time doctoral students of ELEC that have started their doctoral studies after August 1, 2015, since this course is compulsory for them
    2. Other doctoral students of ELEC, we prefer students who are at early stages in their doctoral studies.