ARTS-A060802 - General Studies Courses with Varying Contents, Art, Life and Entrepreneurship 1 - What is entrepreneurship? Lecture, 2.11.2021-14.12.2021
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Topic outline
3 cr, Lectures on tuesdays: 16.00-19.00 on Zoom
Students will work in small groups to analyze the business practices of their fields and prepare a persona of an ideal art entrepreneur.
What needs to be done to keep customers happy, bank balance on the plus side and mental and physical health in check. Exercises include role model interviews, customer interviews, professional interviews. They will also practice negotiating skills and make financial calculations. The sessions include guest lecturers from different areas of creative industry and discussions about dilemmas related to the relationship between art and entrepreneurship.
Final submission will be a presentation of the opportunities and characteristics of the student´s own field from an entrepreneurial point of view.