Topic outline

  • General

    Reflective Practices, 25.04.2023-7.6.2023

    Welcome to Reflective Practices! This course is organised by Contemporary Design CoDe and is a compulsory course on the programme. We will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays in room Q203 in Väre and visit different sites on and off campus. Please refer to the timetable for information on the locations. Further announcements throughout the course will be made via MyCourses.  

    Code: MUO-E5051

    Teaching Team 
    Prof. Julia Lohmann, 
    TA Zoë Robertson (MA CoDe)
    TA Ossi Oikari (MA Film)

    Credits: 9

    Course Introduction 

    The course introduces critical and reflective approaches to design, addressing it as an evolving, political and activist field. It gives an introduction to different practices of critical design including speculative design, transition design, design activism and their theoretical and historical foundations. We will also discuss how to use our agency as designers in line with our values and learn to incorporate new reflective practices into our work. 

    The course coaches you to apply research-oriented approaches to analyze and reflect upon your actions, mindsets, methods and outputs on your own field of design practice. The course guides you to understand the importance of curiosity on social, political, cultural and ecological issues and it provides skills to apply critical approaches as a springboard for design processes that address societal challenges. 

    During the course you will experiment with using design as a vehicle for reflection and critical deliberation. You will explore your own design practice, motives, external connections and reflect on it through critical perspectives. You will create a short video that reflects on aspects that are of concern to you in your designerly practice or life. All kinds of forms and creative practice methods can be included in your exploration and can feature as the content of the filmed design outcome. Amongst others this might include: material explorations, prototypes, drawings, immersive experiences, performances, interviews, collaborations, mixed media, social gatherings, public displays and much more. 

    Methodology / Course Delivery 

    All group sessions will be taught face to face on campus, at Aalto University (Q203 or as specified in the timetable). We will also visit other places around Helsinki on some of the days and make the most of spring by being outside together. 


    The 21st century is marked by uncertainty. Suddenly many of the questions we used to ask through design  – and answered – seem superfluous and we question our basic assumptions of how we produce, consume and engage with the world. Rapid changes challenge us to reflect on where we stand, what we believe in, and what kind of future our work helps to create. 

    Through our way of designing we can question the role of the expert, hierarchies and processes of our profession (see for example “Design where everyone designs” (Manzini 2015) and “The corruption of Co-Design" by Otto von Busch and Karl Palmås). We also question unsustainable global production and consumption models and the untenable prioritization of comfort over resilience (for example “Design for the next economy” by John Thackera)We question how we relate to the non-human world around us (for example “Becoming Animal” by David Abram) and our relation and impact to future generations (for example “On time and water” by Andri Snaer Magnasson or “The good ancestor” by Roman Krznaric).  

    How do we practice design in this shifting landscape? 

    The first step is to become aware of our agency -our capability to affect change- through design and to link this agency with our values and beliefs. What do we really care about? Then we look at the hidden processes underpinning our world, to understand, reflect and challenge the norms we follow – not only to navigate the constantly changing field of design, but also develop design practices that minimise our negative impact on the planet. The aim of this course is to critically reflect on actual design case studies, become aware of what we take for granted in our own design practices – and actively evolve our ways of working through this reflection.      

    Intended Learning Outcomes

    The course introduces you to reflective and critical practices in design by addressing it as an expanded and evolving field with a political dimension. The key methods of reflective practice, critical design, speculative design and transition design and their theoretical and historical foundations are examined.   

    The course enables you to apply research-oriented reflective and critical approaches to analyse and reflect upon your own actions, mindsets, methods and outputs on their own field of design practice. The course guides you to understand the importance of curiosity on social, political, cultural and ecological issues and it provides skills to apply critical approaches as a springboard for engaging through design with relevant societal challenges.   

    During the course you will reflect on current challenges as well as your own values and use design as a vehicle for critical deliberation. The outcome of the course is a design artefact or critical intervention (in the form of a video) accompanied by reflective sketching and writingYou will learn to explicate the foundations of your critical stand.   

    Assessment Methods and Criteria 

    • Valid for whole curriculum period. 

    Passing the course requires:   

    (1) Attending and contributing to 80% of the contact sessions.   

    (2) Oral and written reflection of the study material and the deliberative design process, learning diary.   

    (3) Completion and presentation of the design assignment.  


    Valid for whole curriculum period:
     243 h / 9 credits. 
    80% attendance in contact sessions required.   

    • Lectures 27h  
    • Group discussions and tutoring 54h  
    • Literature study, reading groups and writing assignments 27h   
    • Design assignment, studio work, presentation 81h  
    • Personal reflection, Learning Diary 53h  
    • Course evaluation 1 h  

    Teaching Methods and Motivation  

    To work towards these learning outcomes, we will have input in the form of podcasts, readings, screenings, lectures, workshops and master-classes, tutorials and off-site visits.  

    You will reflect on the methods and practices you encounter and relate them to your own creative work, drawing a correlation between your skills and capabilities as a designer and the topics you care about (values).  

    As creative outcomes we ask you to create a 3-6 minutes long video that incorporates and enables reflection on a chosen topic. It is important that you consider every aspect of the video and how to convey your idea succinctly. There will be given technical support and an introduction to video making. 

    Please see the separate "Project Brief" section for more detailed information on course deliverables. 




    Content / Notes



    WEEK 1

    24.04. MON

    Listen: Paul Cocksedge Lights - Alchemy - Concepts

    25.04. TUES 
    Väre F005

    Session run by Zoë Robertson

    9.15-12.00 Intro to reading circle and Critical Design Practices Showreel.   

    13.00-16.00 Watching videos of last year’s course outcomes

    READ  First Things First Manifesto

    26.05. WED

    Listen: Carl Clarkin - Fabulations and Narratives

    27.04. THUR
    Väre Q203 & outdoors

    9.15-10:15 Talk by Gillian Russell

    10:15-12 Briefing and introduction to the course content

    13-14 Discursive Reflections  

    14-16 Planetary Walk 

    Sign up for Sustainability Science Days and make groups for Anechoic Chamber visit on Friday

    Introduction to critical design practices, including A/B, Transition Design, Speculative Design Methods, Values exercise, Mapping designerly positions 

    WRITE: In-class exercise. Short reflections on your thoughts on the course. How does it all relate to your practice? 

    FIND: The topic you want to engage with and start researching it.

    THINK ABOUT: One or more objects that relate to the topic you have chosen and that you can bring to the Design Narrative Workshop.

    WRITE 'Designerly Position' text, a 250-word position statement about you as a designer. Who are you and what do you want to change in the world through your design? Please share this as an announcement on mycourses and leave comments on the statement of at least one other student. Deadline 03.05.

    28.04. FRI
    Anechoic Chamber at Aalto Acoustic Labs
    Main lobby of A-grid, Otakaari 5

    Visit Anechoic Chamber in three groups between 9-12h 

    Listen: Ineke Hans on furniture design and circular economy

    WEEK 2

    01.05. MON

    Listen: Juli Bolaños-Durman on recycled glass

    02.05. TUES 
    Väre Q203 and SITRA Itämerenkatu 11-13, Helsinki Ruoholahti

    Tutorials and Reading Circle  

    12.30 Meet at the Metro to travel to SITRA 

    13-15h SITRA

    Group A
    9.15-10.15 Tutorials
    10.30-11.30 Reading Circle

    Group B 
    9.15-10.15 Reading Circle
    10.30-11.30 Tutorials

    WRITE 'Object Stories,’ a short fictional text (max 1 page) about an object you are intrigued by that relates to your project. Try writing in a different voice, experimental combinations of words and images or combinations of written words and objects. Please share this on MyCourses. Deadline 08.05.

    03.05. WED

    Note: Designerly Position is due today on MyCourses at 12 PM (noon).

    04.05. THUR
    Väre Q203 and RECORDING STUDIO in Otakaari 7

    FIND YOUR OWN VOICE MASTER CLASS with voice coach Maija Kaunismaa 

    9.15-12.00 Lecture at Väre Q203 

    12-15h In groups of five (25 mins per group) Otakaari 7  

    15-16h ALL TOGETHER: Final exercise in Väre Q203

    BRING: A short text that you enjoy reading or singing, it can be your designerly position statement or anything else. This doesn’t need to be your own writing, you can also bring a short text that inspires you (e.g. a poem, article).

    Please note the 8 min walk from Väre to Otakaari 7!

    05.05. FRI
    Odeion Screening Auditorium, Aalto, Marintie 8

    Listen: Summer Islam - Embodied Carbon, Materials, Systems

    Optional, if you want to join: 

    Meta Incognita II
    A Film by Alia Syed

    Location: Marintie 8 in Otaniemi

    Note: Meta Incognita II is especially of interest to sound/water/ecology people.

    WEEK 3

    08.05. MON

    Listen: Robert Penn on Bread and the Politics of Baking

    Note: Object Stories are due today on MyCourses at 12 PM (noon).

    09.05. TUES
    Väre Q203


    With guests Rui Costa, Alfonso Borges and Joana Quental 

    13-14 Basics of video making with Ossi Oikari

    14-16 Technical video introductions with Ossi and reading circles with Zoë

    BRING Please bring with you some materials, pens and paper, cameras, sketchbook, whatever you like to work with in a quick design task. 

    BRING Your object from last week.

    Group A
    14-15 Reading Circle with Zoë
    15-16 Technical video intro with Ossi

    Group B 
    14-15 Technical video intro with Ossi
    15-16 Reading Circle with Zoë

    READ Either Otto von Busch Introduction or Otto von Busch Introduction Conclusion (see assigned groups for your reading). 

    10.05. WED
    Address: Päätie 14a, 00590 Helsinki

    10-16h/open end
    Multispecies Day in Laajasalo at Julia's place 

    Methods to reflect in the environment

    BRING a contribution to the buffet, clothes that are appropriate for the weather, and sketching and recording tools.

    Directions: Metro to Herttoniemi then Bus 88 to Kaitalahti

    11.05. THURS
    Väre Q203

    How to enable a reflection in different forms?  

    13.00-16.00 Video workshop with Ossi and Reading Circle with Zoë

    BRING Please bring with you some materials, pens and paper, cameras, sketchbook, whatever you like to work with in a quick design task.

    Group A
    13-14:30 Reading Circle with Zoë
    14:30-16 Technical video intro with Ossi

    Group B 
    13-14:30 Technical video intro with Ossi
    14:30-16 Reading Circle with Zoë

    12.05. FRI

    Listen: Juliette Bigley on Metal

    WEEK 4

    15.05. MON

    16.05. TUES

    Tutorial slots for your project and video with Julia & Ossi in parallel with Reading Circle groups with Zoë

    READ Either Critical Design in Context or Speculative Everything (see assigned groups for your reading). 

    Group A
    13-14:30 Reading Circle with Zoë
    14:30-16 Tutorials

    Group B 
    13-14:30 Tutorials
    14:30-16 Reading Circle with Zoë

    18.05. THURS


    19.05. FRI
    Odeion Screening Auditorium,
    Marintie 8, Otaniemi, Aalto

    Optional, if you are interested please join:  

    13.00-14.00 Film by Prof. Lucy Davis Migrant Ecologies Project: {if your bait can sing, the wild one will come} Like Shadows Through Leaves

    Marintie 8, Otaniemi Odeion Screening Auditorium, Aalto

    WEEK 5

    23.05. TUES 
    Hakaniemenranta 17, Helsinki

    9.15-12.00 Tutorials with Julia & writing workshop with Zoë in two groups  

    14-16h Visit to Kultuurisauna

    Group A
    9:15-10:30 Writing workshop with Zoë
    10:45-12 Tutorials with Julia

    Group B 
    9:15-10:30 Tutorials with Julia
    10:45-12 Writing workshop with Zoë

    Note: The journey to Kultuurisauna takes 40 mins (20 mins by Metro to Hakaniemi and 20 mins walking).

    24.05. WED
    Helsinki University


    Sign up for Sustainability Science Days and join a session that interests you.

    Register here (free of charge):

    25.05. THURS 
    Helsinki University


    Drop in individual tutorials with Ossi (sound and video) and Zoë (narrative and words)

    Join Sustainability Science Days session that interests you.

    Sign up for an individual tutorial time slot (sign-up here: )

    26.05. FRI

    Drop in troubleshooting sessions with Julia

    Drop-in individual tutorial time slot (sign-up here: )

    WEEK 6

    30.05. TUES
    Väre F005

    Final video presentation

    01.06. THURS

    Feedback session/ Wrapping up, hand in of sketchbook

    • Designerly Position Forum
    • Object Stories Forum
    • Not available unless: You belong to any group
      Voice Masterclass Slides and Sound Recordings 4.5.23 Folder
    • Not available unless: You belong to any group
      Intro to Videomaking - Slides from Ossi Folder