Topic outline

  • Effective Communication and Negotiation

    Our final session will take place in A-Grid from 9:00 to 12:30 in these three rooms: Corroboree, Flow and Tundra. Please make sure to finish the Post-Course Personal Reflection Assignment!

    Welcome to a positively pragmatic summer course to take your communication skills to the next level!

    Make an impact with your next job application. Learn how to differentiate yourself positively in working life communication.  From running a meeting to making a compelling argument, dealing with a customer conflict to negotiating win-win outcomes among diverse interests – communication and negotiation are fundamental skills we need.

    This engaging summer course helps you to start mastering communication tools and techniques you need in work, studies and life. The instructors are a team of international corporate trainers, who have a wealth of experience from global companies and professional real-life know-how. We look forward to supporting students through this dynamic, active summer course, as a cooperation between Aalto Ventures Program and The Department of Industrial Engineering and Management.

     Attending this intensive course does not have any pre-requirements other than a curious mind and  passion to develop communication as a life-wide skillset. Join us to gain insight and inspiration towards building your personal style with confidence!

    The goals of the course are to:

    1) Discover and strengthen personal communication style for professional life 

    2) Develop personal practices and use pragmatic techniques for making an impact 

    3) Understand and apply various negotiation techniques 

    4) Plan how to develop oneself further

    Timetable and classroom location
    Date and time Location
    Thursday, 10th August. 2023 -- 09:00 - 12:30 AVP Lecture hall "Juniper", K3 Building
    Monday, 14th August, 2023 -- 09:00 - 12:30 AVP Lecture hall "Juniper", K3 Building
    Thursday, 17th August, 2023 -- 09:00 - 12:30 AVP Lecture hall "Juniper", K3 Building
    Monday, 21st August, 2023 -- 09:00 - 12:30  AVP Lecture hall "Juniper", K3 Building
    Thursday, 24th August, 2023 -- 09:00 - 12:30  AVP Lecture hall "Juniper", K3 Building
    Monday, 28th August, 2023 -- 09:00 - 12.30  AVP Lecture hall "Juniper", K3 Building
    Thursday, 31st August, 2023 -- 09:00 - 12:30  TBD

    Introducing the teaching team!

    • Not available unless: You belong to L01 (SISU)
      Questionnaire icon
      Post-course personal reflection and planning assignment Questionnaire
    • Not available unless: You belong to Compensation group
      Assignment icon
      Compensation assignment for missing a class

      Hello All 

      This compensation assignment includes three sets of questions: two are common to all and described here, and the third one is an individual one, which I will email you during Tuesday afternoon into your Aalto email. With this tailoring I'm trying to make this extra assignment meaningful for you as well as to utilize your student perspective in further development of overall communication teaching in AVP courses.  

      Please combine all three elements into one 2-3 page document (word, pdf) , and submit it into this return box ideally by Wed 30th 23:29, as then you will get your course credits at the same time as the others. 

      However, if you have timing challenges during this week, please let me know on Thursday, and we can agree on a deadline within the first week of September. 

      Common question 1. Reflections on Readings

      We are interested in hearing your views about the best way to choose and use pre-reading materials in communication courses. Please glance at the below two articles representing a management journal and a more academic one, and share with me your thoughts on the following:

      a) Do you generally like or dislike having pre-reading materials in courses? They are meant to expand the topic, but would you rather watch videos or listen to podcasts? Should reading materials be optional, or actually mandatory to be read before the session, so that the reading can be discussed in the class? We tried a variety of options in this course, how was your experience or recommendations for going further? 

      b) One can choose more academic articles or business journals, something that offer concrete tips or something more scientific. Please review both the enclosed atticles below very cursorically and choose one that you prefer to read. After reading the article of your choice, please suggest a concrete and perhaps fun example of a homework assigment related to that article, that you would yourself find interesting to do. You could expand beyond reading and request some practical application, or try something quite different. Please suggest also briefly a way how to discuss the article in the class, perhaps teamwork or again something that you have experienced works for you.  Make a concrete proposal!  

      Common question 2. Introduction email to a job application

      This task expands a little on the earlier mission on doing a brief introduction video and getting ideas from the CV Expo. Let's take a situation where your are searching for a thesis position (or searching just a new job) in a company of your choice. You have identified an interesting company and your would like to contact the HR or a team leader in that company to explore IF they have such positions available.

      The task here is to write a brief (max one screen email on PC) introduction email as your first contact. Put your communication skills in use and write that email expressing your interest and making it easy for them to respond. Create an email title, nice opening, present yourself / your job interest and polite ending, and show some personal approach towards the recipient.

      The third question will come in email, and you'll get personal feedback on your overall submission.