Topic outline

  • General

    The first meeting of the course is held on January 11th while the remaining classroom meetings are on January 18th, . The first and second meetings take place in class U358 (kandikeskus/Undergraduate center). All meetings are held jointly for the English and the Finnish program seminar group and will be taught by Mitri Kitti and Tanja Saxell.  

    Start already thinking about a subject area that interests you, which you can possibly do your bachelor's thesis on (this is not yet binding, but it makes it easier to start the seminar). Return a preliminary topic or area of interest in the return box on this page below by January 22nd.

    The time schedule of the seminar is being updated under "Time schedule" (on the left). In particular, the number of seminars for student presentations may be changed, depending on the number of students in the group. For a description of the seminar, see syllabus (on the right). For further guidance, see the pdf-document “BSc in Economics guide 2022” under "Materials" (on the left).

    • File icon

      You can contact your advisors via email. Write them an email where you introduce yourself, briefly explain your topic (e.g. by sending the topic that you submitted to us) and ask when they can meet or discuss with you - you can also suggest dates if you want. You are supposed to have two meetings or contacts with the advisor (on campus or online, depending on what you agree with them). It is recommended that you contact the external advisor before you start writing your work and second time before presenting the final draft.