Topic outline

  • General

    • (last edit: 24.12.2023 at 1.12 o'clock)

      Latest news:

      Thank you for the participation and Happy Holidays!


      ... and the information should be in SISU now.

      5    319.92
      4    282.72
      3    245.52



      Latest news:
      Simulation assignment 2 graded! Click: Simscape Simulation assignment 2 (GROUPS)
      Simulation assignment 1 graded! Click: Simscape Simulation assignment
      Assignment 1 graded!
      Assignment 2 and Simscape Simulation assignment 2 (GROUPS) -> new deadline 5.12.2023.

      Older news:
      Assignment 2 now available
      - Assignment 2.1, Assignment 2.2, Assignment 2.3 templates ready
      - PowerPoint for 2.3 available
      Deadline Thursday 30.11.2023.

      Simulation: Updated (1.11.2023) material package available (for Phases 4 and 5 ).
        - Word instructions, new version (Phase5)
        - PowerPoint, new version (Phase5)
        - Excel (slightly modified, Phase 5)
      - The classroom (IT room) is available also, but the Teacher is in TEAMS.
      - To hear the Teachers instructions, headphones are recommended!
      We have to cancel the simulation session on Wednesday 8.11.2023 because of the technology fair, Teknologia 23 (nore information below). Simulation oriented instructions on Tuesday 7.11.2023 during lectures!

      Check the
      Teknologia 23 -teknologiamessut / technology event on Wednesday 8.11.2023 .
      More information HERE.
      Registration needed: <- External LINK on the LEFT

      Bus trip: Wednesday 08.11 at 09.00 o'clock from Otakaari 4, Espoo (K1 building)- > Messukeskus, 1 way ticket

      If you live near to Pasila, Helsinki, you can find there on your own. Instructions in the PowerPoint file HERE.

      Deadline for Assignment 1 was 24.10.2023.
      - Student documents uploaded. Thanks!

      Simulation sessions (1.11.2023). 
      Still some updates to come for Simscape Simulation assignment 1.
      Older stuff:
      New, updated and corrected (at 22.47 o'clock) instructions and PowerPoint for the simulation session (25.10.2023).
      Check also thits topic:
      - Topic: Phase 2 cylinder tests and Fluid dynamic compressibility
      The new part (25.10.2023) is related to LS controller building and benchmarking.

      These have been updated (25.10.2023):
      Fill in NEW PowerPoint version 25.10.2023.
      Use the NEW Instructions file (Word) version 25.10.2023.


      We will attend Teknologia 23 -teknologiamessut / technology event on Wednesday 8.11.2023 .

       … because of the theme, Fluid Power.

       Check the program here:

      The presentations start with a speech by professor Petri Kuosmanen ("Fluid Power – Saving the Planet") at 10 o’clock.

      We are arranging a bus trip from Otaniemi to Messukeskus, Pasila, Helsinki.

      Points available:

      - for the Groups for attending

      - personal points for you by attending the event

      - points for the Group for writing a short report: "some essential and/or interesting parts in the presentations"

      Better instructions to come, later!


      We will continue on Tuesday 31.10.2023 with a lecture and on Wednesday 25.10.2023 at 16.15 o'clock with Simulation sessions. 
      Some updates to come to Simscape model for Simscape Simulation assignment 1.
      New, updated instructions and PowerPoint to come before the simulation session (25.10.2023).
      Check also thits topic:
      - Topic: Phase 2 cylinder tests and Fluid dynamic compressibility
      The new part (25.10.2023) is related to LS controller building and benchmarking.

      These will be updated also (25.10.2023):
      Fill in NEW PowerPoint version 11102023.
      Use the NEW Instructions file (Word) version 11102023.

      It includes NEW comparison related to Fluid dynamic compressibility topic mentioned above.
      Wednesday at 16.15 o'clock in classroom U344 of Undergraduate centre (also TEAMS link below). Matlab/Simulink/Simscape/Fluids/Isothermal Liquid toolbox at use.
      Assignment materials (partly) available under Simscape Simulation assignment 1.

      - Lecture materials available

      Materials for both Assignment 1.1 and Assignment 1.2 available under Assignment 1.
      - Deadline for Assignment 1 is 24.10.2023.
      - Mathcad template version is Mathcad Prime 9.
      - Sankey diagram Matlab script for Assignment 1.2 added (26.9.2023).
      - Assignment 1 instructions (PowerPoint) added (26.9.2023)
      - Mathcad template for Assignment 1.2 added (27.9.2023)

      Remote usage of Aalto's workstations

      Check the page and possibilities, if you find it interesting:

      More info:  -> Etätyö - VPN ja VDI  (FI)  -> Remote Work  (ENG)

      In our Fluid Power courses we will use …
      • Matlab
      • Simulink
      • If you attend Systems and/or Basics course:
      • download also Simscape Fluids (Isothermal Liquid toolbox needed) and perhaps Multibody

        As you have Aalto's IT license, you can download Matlab and some other useful software to your personal computers, if you like from web page ....

      - In classroom (in K1 building, Otakaari 4,
      - In TEAMS, also as recordings (TEAMS, under General -> Files -> Recordings)

      TEAMS link for lectures

      TEAMS link for simulation sessions

      Research Groups:
      - Use Research group selection, check your Group.

      Lecture materials available 
      - more material added 19.9.2023

      • We will use (also) Mathcad for the Group calculation assignments, but you can’t download it from Aalto’s pages.
      • You can also use Mathcad in Aalto’s classrooms.
      • At the moment, there might not be potential issues with Mathcad versions. (in classroom the version should be 9)
      • You can also use Aalto’s classroom licenses remotely …. with some magic, which I can inform you later.
      • You can also download free and limited version … very likely from …

      Schedule 2023

      We will also attend Teknologiamessut on 8.11.2023. The start will be "in the morning".
      Check the programme below!

      More material soon available!

    • Lecture materials Folder

      Lecture materials will be added here

    • Assignments Folder

      Assignments for the course

    • Research group selection Group choice
    • Assignment 1 materials Folder
    • Assignment 1
    • Simscape Simulation assignment 1

      (Update 1.11.2023, 15.55 o'clock)

      Simscape Simulation assignment 1 materials.

      Individual assignment

      Deadline 14.11.2023

      - Instructions for model building available (Word) -> updated (25.10.2023) -> updated later on 25.10.2023 (pages 43 and 44).

          - Set: Different for each flow path to see all the necessary parameters.

      - Excel (updated) for reporting the test values of Phases 2 and 5

      - Report template (PowerPoint) -> fill in version 25.10.2023 -> updated later on 25.10.2023 (3 missing pages added)

      - Controller Benchmarking tool (LS_Control_Test_Bench, added 25.10.2023)

      - Two Simulink versions: 2023b (new Simulink) and 2022b (older Simulink version)

      - LS controllers in action file -> for understanding Simscape realization of LS and pressure limiting controllers (to be added)


      - Matlab - Simulink - Simscape Fluids (Isothermal Liquid)


      Potential Phase 2 issue:

      Fluid Dynamic Compressibility setting in module Double-Acting Actuator (IL)

      - In the first tests without load (mass), the Fluid Dynamic Compressibility should be disabled

      - However, if you add mass (inertia) to actuator as follows (figure below) you can enable Fluid Dynamic Compressibility.

      - the mass will make the cylinder system into a spring-mass system and if you check Velocity plot (Scope), you can notice heavy oscilations during the transient phase (the 1st second)

      - If you increase the mass (10 - 100 - 1000 - 1500 kg), the oscillation amplitudes will  change.

    • Teknologia 23 event assignment

      1. Participate in Teknologia 23 event on 8.11.2023, take a bus from K1 building, Otakaari 4 at 9 o’clock (or get there by your own)
         • Check the PowerPoint included for instructions
      3. Meet teacher Jyrki Kajaste there (Tech Square, most probably)
         • Fill your name and student number in teacher’s form, you will get …
            • personal points (3 p)
            • points for your Group (10 p), Group’s maximum for participation is 10 points
      • Listen to some presentations (Tech Square) and explore the fair
      • Write down notes for your Group’s 3 reports with your Group members (see the PowerPoint template included here)
      • Later, write a transcript based on your notes with computer (PowerPoint template)
      • Upload the report in MyCourses Þ max. points for your Group (12 p)

      Deadline for the report is Wednesday 15.11.2023

    • Assignment 2
    • Simscape Simulation assignment 2 (GROUPS)
    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Teacher
      TEKNOLOGIA 23 event participation Assignment