Topic outline

  • Housing design and Housing studies

    Focusing on some of the current trends in housing studies defined by sustainable housing design practices. 

    Evaluating the connection between research findings and housing design practices.


    1. Adaptable apartment
    2. Shared domestic spaces
    3. The shortage of space/ minimum dwelling

    The way of working:

    1. Lectures: Wednesdays 9.15-11.45 in Learning Centre: 233a Vilho (unless otherwise stated under). 
    2. Weekly assignments (reading and commenting texts)
    3. Reflection based on a chosen theme 


    10.1. Course practicalities, Anne Tervo, Lecturer, Aalto University

    Applying the research-by-design method to investigate adaptable apartment space (on-line, we will follow the lecture together in 233a Vilho), Anna Braide, Lecturer, Chalmers University of Technology

    17.1. What can we share? A design game for developing the shared spaces in housing, Anne Tervo, Lecturer, Aalto University

     Course assignment: Choosing topics!   

    24.1. Housing design as a tool for research: Analysing apartments' adjustment potential, Sini Saarimaa, Research director, The Building Information Foundation RTS

    31.1. Resident-driven housing – Insights from design studies, Antti Pirinen, Lecturer, Aalto University

    7.2. Housing preferences – Case: Solo dwellers domestic spatial needs, Anne Tervo, Lecturer, Aalto University

    13.2. Deadline for course assignment at 12:00 (noon). 

    14.2. In between research and practice, Antti Lehto, professor, Aalto University 

    Starting peer-to-peer evaluation: 1 hour allocated for pairs that prepare peer-to-peer feedback presented and discussed next week. 

    21.2. Presentations (course assignment), peer-to-peer comments, feedback from teachers, Anne Tervo & Antti Pirinen

    Teacher in charge: Anne Tervo (

    Maximum number of students is 25. 

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