LC-1114 - Communicating Technology (o,w), Lecture, 15.9.2023-20.10.2023
This course space end date is set to 20.10.2023 Search Courses: LC-1114
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Topic outline
The contact sessions for this course will be held on campus in Otakaari 1 (M205).
Note that this is an intensive course that requires 81 hours of work over 6 weeks, so you should reserve about 13.5 hours of time/week for this course.Time and place 15.09-20.10.2023
Fridays 9.00-12.15 M205
Workload 3 ETCS/81h (24h contact, 57h independent work)Requirements Preparatory assignments and Online modules
Final report & Oral presentation.
AttendanceDuring the six weeks of this course, you will plan and write a brief recommendation report, and plan and deliver an oral presentation on the topic of your report. You'll learn to apply the principles of successful communication and strategies that enhance readability of texts as well as the effectiveness of an oral presentation. In addition, you will give and receive constructive feedback and revise your work accordingly.The work leading to the final version of the recommendation report and the oral presentation includes 4 online modules on principles of readability in addition to six preparatory assignments. Throughout the course, you will work individually, in pairs and in small groups, developing your text and your presentation as well as consolidating your ability to use English in interactive situations.This one-period version of Communicating technology is a very intensive version of the course.So - to make it fun, feasible and useful for yourself - it is essential that you make a good effort from the very beginning to commit yourself to regular course work, completing the assignments on time, and participating actively in each class session.-
Course grading Page
Presentation grading rubric File PDF
Grading rubric: final report File PDF