Topic outline

  • Main

    Required outputs

    Presentations (includes slides)

    1. Topic presentation (Period 1/3)

    2. Main presentation (Period 2/4)

    3. Designated commenting of a main paper (Period 2/4)

    Written outputs

    1. Research plan (submitted a week before the topic presentation).

    Includes an introduction to the wider topic area around the specific research question of the thesis. 3-6 pages.

    2. Main paper (submitted a week before the main presentation).

    A reader of the main paper learns about the results of research in economics (either your research or the research that you review). The content of the main paper could be an adaptation of a key chapter or two in the thesis. Length 15-30 pages. The first page includes the executive summary, and it should list 1-3 two-digit JEL codes, (e.g., D22 or J45). 

    In-class outputs

    Participation in class discussions about papers and presentations. 

    Everyone is required to make at least on substantive comment about every presentation in their subgroup.


    The language of all presentations and discussions is English. Research plans must also be in English. However, if you are writing your thesis in Finnish then you can submit the main paper in Finnish. If you are not comfortable reading Finnish then you will only be assigned papers written in English. 


    Grading 0-5 based on activity in the seminar, quality of presentations (live presentation, accompanying slides, research plan/topic paper, and main paper), quality of discussion (both in class and on-line), and punctuality. Attendance is required for a passing grade, but one absence may be made up by completing an additional assignment. 


    The first meeting is on Tuesday January 9, 16:15-17:45. 

    After the first meeting the seminar will divide into subgroups, some of which will meet on Mondays and others on Tuesdays. For details see the Upcoming Events panel.

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Choice icon
      Weekday preference for group meetings Choice

      After the first meeting on Jan 9th the subsequent seminar meetings will be in smaller groups that meet once a week. Record here your preference (or lack thereof) for participating in a Monday group or a Tuesday group. We'll do our best to accommodate the preferences but how well this is possible of course depends on the distribution of answers. Period 3 groups and schedule will be finalized in the first meeting.

      This weekday preference only concerns period 3. The subgroups will be reshuffled for period 4 (the main presentations) and there will be an opportunity to change your preference.

    • Not available unless: You are a(n) Student
      Choice icon
      Early presentation preference Choice

      In this seminar the students who prefer to present earlier rather than later have always been a minority. Therefore those who prefer to present early will get to do so, and almost surely in the first meeting of their group (implying a submission deadline on Jan 18th). For others the order of presentations will be randomized.