AXM-E2002 - Creative computation for Visual Communication, Lecture, 24.10.2023-30.11.2023
This course space end date is set to 30.11.2023 Search Courses: AXM-E2002
Topic outline
Welcome to Creative Computation for Visual Communication Design!
On this course we will learn how to use computation as a practical and experimental method for visual communication design. In addition to getting a hands-on introduction to the world of programming, we will also take a more theoretical and critical look at computational practices in design.
The course consist of lectures, live coding workshops, and coding exercises. The independent work consists of weekly coding assignments, assigned reading, and some smaller research and design oriented exercises. The weekly workload is 14h of class time and 13h of independent work. The final course projects will be presented on the last day of the course.
For programming we use p5.js which is a JavaScript library intended for creative coding. We write our code in the p5.js web editor. You will need to sign up to be able to save your code online.
Eevi Rutanen
Primary: eevi.rutanen(a)
Secondary: eevi(a)eevirutanen.comDates & Times
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:15-17:00
Lunchbreak ~12:00-13:0080% attendance is required to pass the course.
The course will be graded on scale 1-5 as follows:
- 20% Final course project
- 60% Weekly coding exercises (4 x 15%)
- 20% Participation and activity
- participating in teaching
- completing reading assignments
- participating in discussion
- helping others
No previous coding skills are required for this class. All the coding exercises are designed to be creative, approachable and geared to visual designers.
General news and announcements
Use this forum for code-related questions. Remember to post your code or a link to the p5 editor.
The best way to learn is to teach others, so helping out your course mates is highly encouraged! -
Anonymous chatroom for questions, comments, feedback etc!
Final Project: VARIATIONS
Your final project should display variations of a theme.
- Use one of the two templates: template1 or template2
- Export your project from the web editor: File > Download
- Rename the compressed .zip folder with your name
- Use underscores for word spaces
- Don't use special characters (ä,ö)
- Eg. Firstname_Lastname
- Submit the compressed .zip folder below
- The final project will be 20% of your course grade
- The final project is due 30.11. 9:15.
- The projects will be presented in class on Thursday 30.11
- More details in the lecture slides