Topic outline

  • General

    Note: The course website is still under construction. All assignments and deadlines may not be correct. Syllabus contains always the correct information. 

    Responsible teacher: Mikko Rönkkö

    Teaching period: II-V (Fall - Spring)

    Workload: 6-10 cr


    This is a blended learning course that contains both online and in-person elements. All in-person elements are optional except for the final seminar days that contain student presentations, so it is possible to complete the course mostly online. While online participation is possible, we follow a schedule, which means that completing the course as independent self-study for credits is not possible.

    This is an advanced level course that is designed for student that have already some experience in using quantitative research designs and data analysis techniques in their own research. The goal of the course is to develop a more thorough understanding of how and why certain techniques are used and what principles these techniques are based on. The course focuses on longitudinal and multilevel designs and analyses. The techniques covered include all advanced econometrics and latent variable techniques that are used commonly in Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, The Leadership Quarterly, Organization Science, Personnel Psychology, and Strategic Management Journal. The focus of the course will be on how these techniques can be used to empirically support causal claims taking particularly the issues of endogeneity and measurement validity into account.

    The course consists of eight units, that each take three weeks and contain video lectures, online and in-person discussions, and assignments. The number of credits varies between 6-10 depending on which assignments students choose to complete. The content of each course component is explained in the syllabus. All data analysis assignments can be completed with Stata or R. Mplus can be used for some of the assignment or their parts.

    Who can participate:

    This course is targeted to  doctoral students and faculty that have already taken the course TU-L0022 – Statistical Research Methods or an equivalent quantitative research methods course. 

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