CHEM Lab Safety 2017
Sinulla ei ole oikeuksia lukea tämän keskustelualueen viestejä
Osion kuvaus
The Laboratory Safety part consists of three exercises (done at home) and an oral group exam. This part is a compulsory requirement for making any lab courses in CHEM school. You need to take it if you have NOT done any of the following courses:
CHEM-E0100 Academic Learning Community (Lab safety part)
CHEM-A1000 Korkeakouluopiskelijan ABC (Laboratorioturvallisuusosio)CHEM-A1200 Kemiallinen rakenne ja sitoutuminen
CHEM-A1400 Tulevaisuuden materiaalit
KE-35.1210 Epäorgaanisen kemian laboratoriotyöt; KE (4,0 op)
KE-35.1700 Analyyttisen kemian laboratoriotyöt (3 op)
KE-0.1100 Kemian perusteet 1 (5 op)
Exercises and reading material for the exam can be found from the Materials and Assignments Section.