Topic outline

  • General

    The goal of the doctoral seminar is to support doctoral students in their research and writing work. The essential feature of the seminar is that participants are presenting their research plans and results, discussing with each other and sharing experiences. The goal is that doctoral students get feedback on their research work and texts. They learn how to apply scientific research methods in their research work and how to write, analyze and review scientific articles.

    In addition to students' own presentations and paper reviewing workshops, there are theme lectures and expert presentations. The goal of theme lectures is give information about doctoral process and research methods, and how they can be applied in practice. The basic information of the research methods is given in the course CS-E5005 Research Methods in Software and Service Engineering.

    The seminar is continuous and students can join it when ever they want. You can earn 2-5 credits depending on how many times you have participated and had your own presentations. Please mark your participation tot the participation section.

    The meetings will be once a month, mainly on the last Wednesday of the month at 9:30-11:00, but there can be exceptions. The place is Computer house, A106. Registration can be done when you come to a meeting.

    The seminar has several teachers. You can contact Sari Kujala, sari. kujala @ aalto .fi.

    Next meeting will be:

    In September 2018. Have a nice summer!