23C60500 - Marketing Analytics, 26.10.2020-09.12.2020
This course space end date is set to 09.12.2020 Search Courses: 23C60500
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Topic outline
Course lecturer:
Alexei GloukhovtsevContact: firstname.lastname(at)aalto.fi.Over six weeks, the course will cover the following themes:- Marketing ROI
- Causal inference in marketing (A/B testing and experiments)
- Marketing mix modeling
- Customer analytics
- Machine learning for marketers
Course schedule:- Online lectures on Tuesdays 15:15-17:00.
- Online exercise sessions on Thursdays 15:15-17:00.
Coursework:- 5 Independent exercise sets (40% of your grade). Exercise sets will be published on Tuesdays and will be due on the following week's Thursday. There will be no exercise set published on the final week of the course.
- Final exam (60% of your grade). The exam will be held online on December 9th at 13:00.
Software used in the courseWe will be using R Studio to work on the exercises (note: no prior experience in R or other programming languages is required or expected of you!)
We will primarily be using Microsoft Teams for video lectures, study groups, and communicating throughout the course. Once the registration period for the course is over, accepted students will receive a link to the Teams course environment.
Given the current situation, flexibility is naturally the name of the game. We may (and likely will!) adapt the above course structure as the course progresses and we find out what works well and what doesn’t.