Topic outline

  • General

    Important notice for spring 2021!

    The course will be organized as online web course 2021. You may follow the course independently whenever it is suitable for you in periods IV-V. The course will include many short videos, texts, exercises and several multiple choice exams. The course will be graded 0-5. The grading scale will be determined later on.

    How to pass the course?

    The course will open 4.3.2021. 

    You need to fulfill all the (1.-4.) requirements to pass this course:

    1. Follow the online teaching material and practise with all the online quizzes. You may practise several times and that is recomemded.

    2.  Do the online exam quiz after practising. The exam quiz you may do only once.

    3. Give feedback in Mycourses.

    4. All this above need to be done before end of V period (4.6.2021).

    Online teaching material

    This material is for your help to understand the topic and replace typical lectures. Online teaching materials incudes texts, images, small excercises, videos, exams etc.

    CLICK HERE for the online material. (

    Enrolment key: WoodScience2021


    You need to give comprehensive feedback to pass the course that we can develop online courses in future.

    Here is the feedback assigment (also available in assigment section).