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    Please note that this course overlaps with CS-E5310 ICT Enabled Service Business and Innovation -course and you cannot get credits from both. If you are planning to include that course in your studies do not take this course, and if you already did, do not do this course.

    Welcome to the course!

    This is a fully online introductory course on digitalization and platform economy. The course is designed so that you can begin your individual study on October 26th.

    Please see updated course syllabus for details on the schedule and grading.

    In order to pass the course you need to stick to the deadlines that will not (and due to peer-review cannot) be extended.

    Mikko Heiskala
    -Mikko Heiskala 

    Below you can see the course schedule.
    NOTE: In addition to these, you will have a chance to submit a self-evaluation of your workshops in case you think you got too low points from your peer-reviews. The DLs for these self-evaluations are one week after the submission DL of the peer-reviews.


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      Course news and announcements from staff. 
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      Post your generic course related questions here for course staff and fellow students.