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      Exam Microbiology CHEM E-3120 December 15 2021 Assignment

      Exam instructions: 

      Exam Microbiology E3120

      15.12.2021 at 14-18

      Call: Katrina 050 560 8370 if you have a problem or a question

      Leevi Lamminjoki and Veera Kallio - you have separate exams - the instructions for your exam are in the documents with your name. 

      All others: EklundKittiläKorkiakoski - follow the instructions below and use the exam document with you names as follows here: 

      This is an “open book exam” – you may use any materials that are available to you.  However, do not copy-paste answers, because they will be checked for authenticity.

      There are two options for how to answer. 

      a)     If you are using Microsoft WORD you can write your essay answer for Part I directly onto this word document, after each question.  Part II answers: Indicate the correct answer by a yellow highlight.

      b)    If you do not use WORD, then you can also submit your essay answers (PART I) and the PART II answers as a separate document. In this case in PART II  just indicate the correct answer, for example 1. c)

      c)     Upload you answers by 18.00 pm


      Save your exam answers as PDF document:  Exam October 2021 firstname lastname and upload into MYCourses.  If you are uploading these as Part I and Part II, then use:  Exam Part I October 2021... and the Part II in a similar way.  


      PART I Essay answers required

      Part II – short questions (total 30)



      EXAM Part I

      Answer 3 questions (you can choose from a total of 4 questions). 

      Answer using an essay, which is recommended to be some 500 -750 words.  Use examples in your answers and use the figures in your answers. Do NOT write a list of things, write a coherent answer that shows you understanding.


      Essay questions: 5 points maximum each (total 15 points)

      Short questions :  +0.25 for each correct answer (0 = not answered, or wrong answer, no minus points) – total 30 questions = maximum 7.5 points


      (Electronic assignments = max 5 points)

      So final grading for the course is:

      25 – 27.5 = 5

      22-24.5= 4

      16-21.5 = 3

      13-15.5 = 2


      Below 10 – fail