Topic outline

  • General

    In this course, we will learn to use the fire dynamics calculations and simulations for safety assessment, to perform evacuation simulations, and to carry out fire risk analysis of a proposed fire safety solution.

    Illustratoin of probabillities, event trees on top of a flameEvacuation simulation with FDS+Evac

    Fall 2021: All teaching sessions are online.

    Course program (PRELIMINARY) by weeks

    Week 1 (37):

    L1  14.9.2021     Fire risk analysis

    L2  17.9.2021     Fire statistics

    Week 2 (38)

    L3   21.9.2021    Human behaviour 
    L4   24.9.2021    Fire toxicity 

    Week 3 (39)

    L5   28.9.2021  Performance-based design 
    L6   1.10.2021  Acceptable risk

    Week 4 (40)

    L7  5.10.2021  Evacuation modelling 
    L8  8.10.2021  Evacuation simulations using FDS+Evac (Timo Korhonen)

    Week 5 (41)

    L9   12.10.2021  Pathfinder (Henri Kuronen)

    Week 6 (42)

    L10 22.10.2021  Fire-PRA of nuclear power plants (Matti Lehto, STUK)

    Week 7 (43)  

    Project work role plays

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