CS-E4930 - Software Processes and Projects D, Lecture, 28.1.2022-22.4.2022
This course space end date is set to 22.04.2022 Search Courses: CS-E4930
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Topic outline
The course will start on 28.1. at 9:15-11:00. All course sessions will be organized online in Zoom.
Preliminary lecture schedule (changes are possible):
28.1. Course introduction & Processes
4.2. Requirements/ Product Owner work
11.2. Effort estimation & Process Improvement
18.2. Global Software Engineering
25.2. Lean
11.3. Large-scale Agile
18.3. Group work presentations (NO recording of this session)
25.3. Agile Product and Portfolio Management - Visitor: Ville Manninen from Ernst & Young Parthenon
1.4. Case Ericsson - Virtual visit to Ericsson Finland (NO recording of this session)
8.4. Coaching
15.4. NO LECTURE (Easter)22.4. Leading Product DevelopmentLecture recording:
We aim to record most lectures (NO recording: 18.3. & 1.4.), however, only the lecture part will be recorded, not interactive group work sessions or student presentations, that several lectures include. During many of the lectures, we will have interesting visitors from the industry, thus, please prefer joining online, if you can, as then you can ask questions and we can have more interactive and useful sessions. The main purpose of the recording is that you may check interesting parts from the video afterward while writing the diary.Passing the course:
This course does NOT have an exam, instead, you will get points from the weekly assignments and lecture learning diaries (diaries start from lecture 2). Typically, you may receive max 15 p /week (assignment 10 p + diary 5 p). To pass the course you need to receive min 50% of the total points. None of the assignments is mandatory, just the total sum counts (assignments: 8x10p+2x20p = 120p, diaries 9x5p=45p, in total max 165p). Instructions on how to pass the course can be found in the Introduction lecture slides.
See the grade table below:
Reading material:
The main course material is articles and a few videos. No coursebook. The material will be released always in connection to the next assignment. The main idea is that you get to know the material and do the assignment BEFORE the lecture on that topic. That way the lecture topic is familiar to you and during the lecture we will go deeper into the topic.