SPT-E1041 - Transport Planning and Policy D, Lecture, 1.11.2021-8.12.2021
This course space end date is set to 08.12.2021 Search Courses: SPT-E1041
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Topic outline
This year's course will take place fully online. It would have been great to see you all in the classroom but face-to-face classes are not possible in Period 2 of 2021.
Responsible teacher
Dominic Stead, dominic.stead@aalto.fi
Other contributors
Meredith Glaser, University of Amsterdam (guest lecture, session 9)
Learning outcomes
After successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- explain the interactions between land use and transport policies
- elaborate how different stakeholders influence land use and transport plans
- differentiate between different types of policy instruments used in land use and transport plans
- analyze and assess the impacts of plans, policies and instruments
- identify the reasons for the constancy and flux of different policies
Course structure
The course comprises 11 sessions:- What’s the problem? Monday 1 November 2021
- Mobility and accessibility. Wednesday 3 November 2021
- Why and how do governments intervene? Monday 8 November 2021
- Who decides? Who wins, who loses? Wednesday 10 November 2021
- The public interest. Monday 15 November 2021
- Policy design and integration. Wednesday 17 November 2021
- Policy assessment and evaluation. Monday 22 November 2021
- Why do policy approaches differ? Wednesday 24 November 2021
- Policy learning and transfer. Monday 29 November 2021
- Developing policies for sustainable urban development. Wednesday 1 December 2021
- Q&A (on demand). Wednesday 8 December 2021
AssessmentThe grades for the assignments and home exam will be weighted as follows:
Assignment 1 14% Assignment 2 14% Assignment 3 14% Home exam 58% Total 100% Grading scale
Grade Verbal (EN) Verbal (FI) Verbal (SE) 0 fail hylätty underkänd 1 passable välttävä försvarlig 2 satisfactory tyydyttävä nöjaktig 3 good hyvä god 4 very good kiitettävä berömlig 5 excellent erinomainen utmärkt