LC-9011 - Chinese Characters 1, Lecture, 19.9.2021-19.12.2021
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Topic outline
Credits: 2 (workload: 2 hours contact teaching + 52 hours independent work)
授课老师 程金华 / 050 5747808
学习目的 This is a supporting course for Chinese 1 course. Students learn approximately 150 new characters and study vocabulary related in Chinese 1 course. 学习材料 《吃了吗 ? 》(Kiinan peruskurssi / a course in basic Chinese)
© 2019 the authors and Otava Publishing Company Ltd. Finn Lectura
学习内容 《吃了吗 ?》chapter 1-3 characters and texts
评分标准 Assessment Methods and Criteria:
- Self-study teaching material
- Three (3) assignments in total (50 %)
- A final examination (50 %)
"课程介绍"会议 (在线Zoom)"Course introduction" online Zoom meeting:
We start the course after this following Zoom meeting.- 22.09.2021 wed 12.15-13.45,
- Zoom link:
- Attendance in this lesson is not mandatory 这节网课可以不出席!
作业信息 Assignment information:
- 三个作业有三个截止日期。 因此,你必须在每个截止日期前完成一 个作业。There are three deadlines for three assignments. You should complete the assignment before the deadline.
- 只有强制性的作业会影响你的课程成绩。For each assignment, you will receive a few non-compulsory tasks, students no need to upload your answers. They are only used for own practice. Only compulsory tasks will affect your final grade.
- 作业最迟12月20日上传到MyCourses或通过邮件发给老师。Return and upload the assignments in MyCourses or directly email to the teacher the latest on the test date (20. 12.2021).
Three assignments Deadlines Assignment 1 10月9日 Assignment 2 11月5日 Assignment 3 12月7日 考试安排 Final test arrangement:Both the classroom test and the Zoom test are scheduled at the same time. Choose a suitable time to participate. No registration is required.Test dates F2F classroom test or Zoom test (link) 1 Dec 10 Friday
(R001/U262 KPMG) 2 Dec 10 Friday
(R001/U262 KPMG) 3 Dec 17 Friday
(R001/U259 POSTI) 考试范围 Scope of Examination:
- recognize and write Chinese characters
- translate English sentences into Chinese characters
- write characters according to the correct stroke order
- complete the sentence with the given Chinese characters
- recognize the radicals introduced in chapters 1-3 and understand their meanings
- Make short sentences based on the vocabulary and grammar introduced in chapters 1-3 of the textbook
One important link: