Topic outline

  • General

    • These 2 weeks (28.2-11.3)  include directors' preparation work for the upcoming MA fiction films. The course can be also taken by students (by listening in) who are not working on their MA film, but want to learn how to do directors' workplans, text analyses, casting plans and how to plan and execute rehearsals with actors.

      We will be going through each MA graduation film script in detail together, analysing them from director's percpective. Each student will make their own breakdown and plan their cast and rehearsal day according to preassignments and discussions during the first days. Each director will have one day to rehearse selected scenes, or the whole film for camera. The film's confirmed DOPs are welcome to participate to the rehearsal day, otherwise other directors will shoot the rehearsal. Reherasal can also be done without camera and focusing only on the content of the scenes and what happens between the actors.

      The scene reherasals will be done with designated actors from Teak who are joining the course via "liikkuvuusopinnot". Extra professional actors can be casted if necessery, but each director needs to choose only 2 max 3 actors for their 1 rehearsal day. The students will not yet rehearse with the cast actual cast of their film and this rehearsal day is not a casting audition day, but an opportunity to go deeper into the characters and scenes with help of actor's point of view.

      Preliminary schedule (might still change!)

      All days are 9h30-16h30 if not mentioned otherwise.

      JA kaikki opetus tapahtuu luokassa A126 (Otakaari 1). Luokka on käytössämme koko 2 viikkoa.

      WEEK 9

      MONDAY 28.2

      Independent preparation (no class) work for

      • MA FILM
      • this planning course (CASTING)
      • NIGHT INT (for weeks 11-12. Visit Valofirma studio) => Topi

      TUESDAY 1.3

      Reading of scripts together in class, script analyses and artistic breakdown model. Giving Assignment 1.

      WEDNESDAY 2.3

      ap: Casting, methods of rehearsing lecture+ discussion

      ip: Independent work on Aassig 1: own script analyses scene by scene

      THURSDAY 3.3

      Script FORE go through of own script analyses + prep for rehearsal
      (vain Kiialla kontaktiopetusta, muut tekevät itsenäisesti casting ja harjoitussuunnitelmaa)

      FRIDAY 4.3

      Scipt MAMMUTTI go through of own script analyses + prep for rehearsal

      (vain Ingalla kontaktiopetusta, muut tekevät itsenäisesti casting ja harjoitussuunnitelmaa)

      WEEK 10

      MONDAY 7.3

      Script SUONSILMÄ go through own script analyses + prep for rehearsal

      (vain Topilla kontaktiopetusta, muut tekevät itsenäisesti casting ja harjoitussuunnitelmaa)

      TUESDAY 8.3

      Script FORE rehearsal with actors

      (vain Kiialla kontaktiopetusta, muut tekevät itsenäisesti työsuunnitelmaa)

      WEDNESDAY 9.3

      Script MAMMUTTI rehearsal with actors

      (vain Ingalla kontaktiopetusta, muut tekevät itsenäisesti työsuunnitelmaa)

      THURSDAY 10.3

      Script SUONSILMÄ rehearsal with actors

      (vain Topilla kontaktiopetusta, muut tekevät itsenäisesti työsuunnitelmaa)

      FRIDAY 11.3

      ap: työsuunnitelmat+ kurssin purku ja muut MAFiin liittyvät kysmykset.

      ip: vapaa

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