CS-E407504 - Special Course in Machine Learning, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence D: Digital Health and Human Behavior, Lectures, 4.11.2021-9.12.2021
This course space end date is set to 09.12.2021 Search Courses: CS-E407504
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Topic outline
For more information about the course please check the link: https://digitraceslab.github.io/dhhb/
Sections & Links
- Assignments and the material for each week can be find under sections (left bar) associated with those weeks.
- Lectures are done remotely on Thursdays 14:15 - 16:00 (link to the Zoom session).
- Exercise sessions are on Wednesdays 14:15 - 15:45 on Zoom (link to the Zoom session).
Communication Channel
- The course uses a Zulip channel. This is the main communication channel for the course between the students and the course staff (the instructor and the teaching assistants).
- In the Zulip channel, we will have separate streams for each week and the project.
- All important announcements will be posted in Zulip to the stream #announcements (no discussion on this stream).
- For general questions, please post them in the #general stream.
- If you have any specific questions related to the weekly assignments, please post them in the dedicated weekly stream, and get answers from course staff or other students. In this way, it's easier for us to monitor all topics and more eyes will see your question, and thus your question will get answered faster. It is likely that other students benefit from the answers as well.
- You can use the private message option (to contact the course staff) only for matters that cannot be discussed publicly. Please do not contact the course staff via email.
- Log in with your Aalto account to the Zulip channel.
- The deadlines for the submissions in this course are always at 23:59 Finnish time (deadline dates in table below).
- The deadline for the final project is on
January 3, 2022 (23:59 Finnish time), this deadline is non-negotiable.
- The deadline for the peer-grading of the final projects is January 10, 2022 (23:59 Finnish time)
- Find out more about deadlines and rules for late submissions under the section "Instructions".
Course dates Dates Lecture Exercise session Assignment deadline Peergrading deadline Project work (WN:44) 1.-7.11. L1. 4.11. 14:15-16:00 -- -- -- -- (WN:45) 8.-14.11. L2. 11.11. 14:15-16:00 E1. 10.11. 14:15-15:45 Pa1. and Ra1. 10.11. 23:59 -- (WN:46) 15.-21.11. L3. 18.11. 14:15-16:00 E2. 17.11. 14:15-15:45 Pa2 and Ra2. 17.11. 23:59 Ra1. 17.11. 23:59 Topic selection
17.11 23:59(WN:47) 22.-28.11. L4. 25.11. 14:15-16:00 E3. 24.11. 14:15-15:45 Pa3. and Ra3. 24.11. 23:59 Ra2. 24.11. 23:59 Project plan
24.11 23:59(WN:48) 29.11.-5.12. L5. 2.12. 14:15-16:00 E4. 1.12. 14:15-15:45 Pa4. and Ra4. 1.12. 23:59 Ra3. 1.12. 23:59 -- (WN:49) 6.-12.12. L6. 9.12. 14:15-16:00 E5. 8.12. 14:15-15:45 Pa5. and Ra5. 8.12. 23:59 Ra4. 8.12. 23:59 -- (WN:50) 13.-19.12. -- E6.* 15.12. 14:15-15:45 -- Ra5. 15.12. 23:59 -- - L = lecture
- E = Exercise session (E6.* is dedicated to project work)
- Pa = Programming assignment
- Ra = Reading assignment