Topic outline

  • About the course

    Course broschure

    The course belongs to a series of bioeconomy boot camps organized with several companies during the last few years.

    CHEM-EV04 Kemira Boot Camp (2 cr) is a real-life challenge course where multidisciplinary student teams find solutions to a task presented by the company. The course includes an introduction to the challenge, prework on own time and a two-day boot camp. Company professionals will tutor the teams for their solutions to be pitched in front of a jury of business managers.

    In maximum 20 students will be selected based on the expressed motivation and diversity in background. During the course, the students will learn to work effectively in diverse multidisciplinary teams utilizing professional networks and to communicate clearly in a real business environment.


    22.3.2022 at 15-17: Introduction to the challenge (Lecture hall F101, Väre)
    23.3.-3.4.2022: Prework in teams on own time
    4.4.2022 at 9-18: Working in teams facilitated and supported by Kemira experts (Kemira Research Center, Luoteisrinne 2, Espoo)
    5.4.2022 at 9-14: Working in teams continues + pitching (Kemira Research Center, Luoteisrinne 2, Espoo)