AXM-E7008 - Embodied Interaction, Lecture, 9.1.2023-14.4.2023
This course space end date is set to 14.04.2023 Search Courses: AXM-E7008
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Topic outline
Course materials
I use another site for the course materials, please check there for all information. MyCourses is mainly used for distributing some sensitive material and for assignments.Schedule
Period III
- Monday | 9.1.2023 | G203 + L208 (We start in L208)
- Monday | 16.1.2023 | G203 + M101 (We start in M101)
- Monday | 23.1.2023 | G203 + M101 (We start in G203)
- Monday | 30.1.2023 | G203 + L208
- Monday | 6.2.2023 | G203
- Monday | 13.2.2023 | G203
Period IV
- Wednesday | 1.3.2023 | L208
- Thursday | 2.3.2023 | L208
- Friday | 3.3.2023 | G203
- Wednesday | 8.3.2023 | L208
- Thursday | 9.3.2023 | L208
- Friday | 10.3.2023 | G203 Project proposal presentations
- Wednesday | 15.3.2023 | L208 No class, Matti is in the admissions interviews
- Thursday | 16.3.2023 | L208
- Friday | 17.3.2023 | G203
- Wednesday | 22.3.2023 | G203 (L208 is also booked for us if you want to work with the computers)
- Thursday | 23.3.2023 | L208
- Friday | 24.3.2023 | G203
- Wednesday | 29.3.2023 | L208 & G203
- Thursday | 30.3.2023 | L208 & G203
- Friday | 31.3.2023 | G203
- Wednesday | 5.4.2023 | L208 & G203
Thursday | 6.4.2023 | Easter Holiday, no classFriday | 7.4.2023 | Easter Holiday, no class
Wednesday | 12.4.2023 | Easter Holiday, no class- Thursday | 13.4.2023 | L208 & G203
- Friday | 14.4.2023 | G203 Final Project presentations
Additionally, we have the room G203 booked for the last four weeks of the course for you to work on your projects.
- Monday | 9.1.2023 | G203 + L208 (We start in L208)