Topic outline

  • General

    Welcome to GEO-E3040 Geometric Design of Roads -Course (5cr) 

    After this course, you can apply and evaluate different geometric design elements and understands their mathematical basis. You can analyze how road geometry affects roadside safety and how road alignment interacts with the surrounding landscape and urban space. You can identify the role of the planning phase of a road as a part of the life cycle of a road and its impact on environmental issues.

    Content of this course is following:

    • Development and applications of concepts of geometric design
    • Design controls and criteria
    • Design elements and their use (sight distance, horizontal and vertical alignment, cross-section elements, highway types, intersection design elements, types of interchanges and interchange design elements, grade separations, and clearance)
    • Road location in a landscape (engineering, economic and social aspects, ecology, aesthetics)
    • Design of streets and bicycle routes
    • Drainage and road environment
    • Intersections and cross-sections
    • Road planning process (plans, specifications, and controls)
    • Planning as a part of a life cycle of a road and CO2 emissions
    • Information management and BIM methods applied to geometric design (in exercises)
    • Design of tram lines


    Mondays 10:15-12:00 R266 and Wednesdays 12:15-14:00 R266


    Thursdays 12.30-16.00 A046 a

    Assessment Methods and Criteria

    • In-class activities, computer exercises, and homework. There is NO EXAM.
    • Calculation, planning, and design exercises (75%); lecture quizzes, or other tests (25%)
    • Participation in exercises is mandatory (80%). Also, attendance in lectures is needed to pass the course!

    Course mode

    The entire course is offered in-person (face to face F2F). Lectures are held in F2F mode. Recording will be posted on MyCourses, if possible. Exercise will also be offered F2F. Similarly to lectures the recording will be posted on MyCourses, if possible.

    GEO-E3040 Geometric Design of Roads poses several challenges to students and instructors in being offered online due to the content of the class and the use of specific software. We strongly recommend attending in person, especially the exercise sessions on Thursdays.